I've been saying it for years and the devs have confirmed

  • I welcome challenges.
  • I take responsibility for my own actions.
  • I don’t blame others for my shortcomings.
  • I look for ways to improve myself in all aspects of life.

That doesn’t mean that sometimes systems are broken and garbage.

The matchmaker is garbage and objectively awful.

Having said all that, when I started playing Overwatch and couldn’t rank up years and years ago, I took responsibility, paid attention, realized what was happening, and then could get to any tier I wanted and have proved it with screenshots and videos. Your entire statement towards me is false.

The matchmaker can always be improved. Returning to role matching is an excellent step.

But most complaints that are aimed at it, have nothing to do with it. Which they explained.

You’re baffled because you believe everything you’re told instead of believing what you observe.

I would even go as far to say it’s possible that the devs believe what they said is true but don’t understand what the matchmaker is doing because it’s “so complex.”

The simple fact that when you reach close to a new tier threshold you will almost always go on a loss streak is all the proof I need that what they are saying doesn’t add up. Now if I got close to a tier threshold and had win, loss, win, loss, win, loss, that might make sense, but a loss streak?..almost every time? It’s broken, and you’ve experienced it and still ignore it, that baffles me.

The above is just one example of how what they say doesn’t add up, there are many many examples.

Obviously not, but people who have been in plat for nearly 40 seasons that think they deserve to be masters+ think it exists.

This is what is known as an extraordinary claim. And the thing about extraordinary claims is that they are unpersuasive without evidence. In this case, if you want people to take this claim seriously, you need to define what you mean and demonstrate it in some way.

I have not experienced this phenomenon, so I am actually unsure what you mean when you say, “when you reach close to a new tier threshold you will almost always go on a loss streak.”

In fact, I experienced the opposite as I climbed. I have seen many, many players throughout the years experience the opposite- they start at a lower rank and climb through new tier thresholds until they reach something like their skill level, without ever experiencing any unusual loss streaks. It is only when pushing past their actual skill level that they start getting to what you might call a loss streak, but even then I’d define it more as experiencing games that it feels like one simply cannot win- games that they feel they have no impact in (this makes sense, of course, if they are games that are past their skill level.)

Yet you claim that this is almost always true. Why should I believe your extraordinary claim when I have seen differently and you provide no support for your claim? Further, what do you mean when you say, “new tier threshold” is this going from Silver to Gold? Gold to Plat? etc. And what do you mean when you say almost always? Is this 70% of the time when one crosses from one skill division to the next? 80%? 90%?

Your claim is poorly defined and you make no attempt to support it, so it holds little, if any, value.


No I haven’t experienced it actually lol. Why would you assume I have? When my win rate hits 50% I just win a few, lose a few, win one, lose one, etc… I don’t go on these so called loss streaks. Have I had loss streaks before? Of course, but that was due to me tilting, not playing at my own consistent skill level, maybe I was just too tired that day, etc… The matchmaker doesn’t just magical decide for you that it’s your turn to lose 10 games in a row, that’s on you.

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Are you from the future?

How is season 40?

Any new maps?

This forum has been riddled with reports of people reaching tier thresholds and then having a loss streak and i’ve witnessed it myself hundreds of times on accounts that are 1500 below my typical SR. If you have ever done any good amount of solo queuing, you HAVE experienced it, period.

You’re the type of person who hides behind this ridiculous thought that the only way something can be true is if scientists have conducted a double blind placebo experiment, and if it hasn’t then you love giving a smug reply “there’s no evidence of this.”

Good job ignoring the fact that I said nearly 40 seasons and not exactly 40. Thanks for that.

The human brains flawed and cannot observe reality perfectly. It’s why science exists. A collective process to figure out the truth is often more reliable than giving complete credibility ones own intuitions. One persons observations, even if they’ve occurred 1000s of times does not mean we have an answer that is reliable.


“threshold” loss streaks can happen for a few reasons:

  1. The threshold is the peak of someones performance, and thus they lose to go back towards their steady state

  2. At thresholds, generally speaking people’s mindsets will change so they will “tryhard” more than they usually do, so that they can reach the next tier. That could result in a harder enemy (because theyre tryharding, not because the matchmaker was like yo harder opponents dawg), or people taking risks that they wouldnt otherwise.

  3. Other factors that occur in non threshold matches (people having an off day, people getting tilted, etc)

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Nobody is saying that scientific process isn’t useful, of course it is. But the idea that nothing should be believed unless there is some type of scientifically based evidence and study is silly.

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Nor is memory reliable. Our brain is, however, very good at making us think we’re observing far more than we actually are - it’s actually guessing at about 70% of all visual information we absorb. Fun brain facts :laughing:

And yet, your process has included zero science or statistical evaluation. It’s pure anecdotal conjecture. You want people to believe you over the devs? Provide statistics. You can’t just sit there and tell people they’ve had the same experiences you’ve had and that’s why you’re right. That’s not how you prove anything.

Yup. Rank threshold games have always, in my experience, been the most emotionally volatile matches in the game - be it people on the up or people falling from grace - those emotions are performance-altering variables that no algorithm will be able to ever accurately compensate for.

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I’ve provided mounds of evidence, eye witness accounts, actual videos, trials where GM players played on “hard stuck” accounts and were unable to rank them up, videos of myself dominating in Masters and then getting obliterated in plat. You’re uninformed.

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Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

I always assumed this and it never bothered me. I always kept in my head that “it’s me, I just need to perform better and sometimes you get uncooperative teammates, but more often than not, it’s on me to perform” --and if i’m good enough i’ll climb.

What does piss me off is this bogus new season 1 thing. Where at the start of the season, they dropped ALL of my role placement ranks by TWO fully ranks (Diamond 3 to gold 3) before I even did placements! Then after placements, my rank didn’t move at all. So at the flip of a switch I went from climbing up to diamond 3…but suddenly i’m not good enough to move rank at all after being dropped 2 fully ranks, and doing placements?

Either I’ve got the worlds most aggressive degenerative muscle disease setting in —or Blizzards system is screwed up because they keep moving goal posts.

This was a real problem and it’s good that they won’t be doing that for season 4 and beyond. I think this is the main reason people have been so distressed by the new rank changes and confused as to why they see people ranked 1-2 full skill divisions below them/above them in their games.

This change (which won’t come until season 4) and the change to match based on individual MMR as opposed to team average MMR should vastly improve the experiences of pretty much everyone on the ladder.

Where is this evidence? Scattered to the winds in 700 different posts? Is it consolidated somewhere? Spreadsheets of win/loss data to include personal factors (ie emotional state, lack of warm-ups etc)? Don’t call me uninformed when you’ve not provided any of your “evidence” in the forum to which it’s being questioned.

I’ve been playing this game since 2018. I’ve played against some of the best, and some of the worst. I’ve been up and down in rank countless times. And my experience is that I’ve been where you are. Wholly convinced there’s some sort of evil or malfunctioning mathematical boogeyman trying to hold me back. But as I’ve stepped back, remained objective, and really paid attention to myself and my own state of mind when I’m playing, I start to see it’s me. Not the system.

Yes, some games are unwinnable due to certain role diffs. That happens. But it doesn’t happen in streaks. I’ve been on both sides of that one as well.

Uninformed… As if I’m not playing and experiencing the exact same game as you. The difference is the ability to remain objective and to not search for confirmation bias. “Oh man, I had a few losses in a row, I knew the MM was sabotaging me!” Then going on to not mention the context 10 games on either side of that loss. It’s the same mental acrobatics people perform when they say “I got my 7 wins, why didn’t I climb!?”.

YOU bring to this forum your “evidence” and I’ll give it an objective review. I’ll then form my opinion of what your evidence means when stood against what the devs have told us.

::Edit to add::
I also think it’s worth mentioning that the devs have access to data from millions of players. Our individual experiences only represent a tiny fraction of the whole. Believing our one set of individual experience/observance is enough to disprove that body of evidence is like a single ant claiming to have fed the entire colony.

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Ok, sounds like you were a bad player and that’s why you couldn’t rank up, that’s not the case with me.

I don’t care about your low quality analysis of facts, continue to stay uninformed and in the dark, and I’ll keep going what I’m doing. Not interested in you.

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Ok Ayden.

Go have your pudding pop and let the adults have their discussion.