I've been saying it for years and the devs have confirmed

“There are no winner or loser queues in Overwatch. Your current MMR is the only thing the matchmaker takes into consideration when forming your matches. The matchmaker doesn’t force a 50% win rate on anyone, nor do we favor certain players over others”

Your win rate is at 50% when you happen to be at the rank you belong.


I’m pretty sure most people knew this. You just had those small beliebers who think that winning takes into consideration your performance. But that has never mattered in any competitive games. If it was so, then people would just go and try to get the best K/D possible and ignore their team and would result in poor games.

I haven’t seen them say this, but assuming they did, they’re using semantics as a way to deceive people, or lie. There is absolutely, positively, beyond a shadow of a doubt queues that the game places you in to get you to the rank it thinks you should be at. If you’re playing well, the matchmaker places you in easy to win matches, if you’re playing poor you get awful teammates and downrank, if you’re playing at the tier you belong then you’ll just be placed in matches that you have a 50% chance of winning due to handicapping.

That is how it works, not debatable.


No. That is how you want to believe it works. Not debatable.


which they did…

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you deliberately place players into winner queues and loser queues?
A: There are no winner or loser queues in Overwatch. Your current MMR is the only thing the matchmaker takes into consideration when forming your matches. The matchmaker doesn’t force a 50% win rate on anyone, nor do we favor certain players over others.

At its core, our matchmaker is a mathematical formula used to place similarly ranked players together in a match with the goal of creating as fair of games as possible.

Well I dunno, this guy says it’s only lip service.

You love to misinterpret things. This is probably why you were a struggle to coach for some people, and why many just gave up with you in the end

I mean if they serve lip service about some things they tell the absolute truth on other things? It’s hard to keep track.

Blizzard investigated themselves about manipulating matchmaking and found themselves innocent and cleared of any wrong doing.


Next question they go on to admit that long streaks are too common and an issue they are working to fix. And admit the issue is caused by an mmr malfunction incorrectly calibrating your skill level. So basically a well no but actually yes type of answer to loser and winner queues.


Technically no loser or winners queue but maybe the matchmaker makes a mistake because you lost 4 games in a row. What the MM doesn’t know is that you lost those games because the MM tank diffed the games too hard. Because of those losses your MMR dipped hard and it started putting you against easier people. This is actually a mistake because your MMR should be higher, thus you get a winning streak because the MMR on you is wrong because it wrongly calibrated it based off a loss streak that was caused by something else. That’s what they seem to be saying.

Technically there is no losers or winner’s queue intentionally but MMR may be off for a number of different reasons, especially when streaks happen that cause your MMR to change more rapidly and put you in matches you don’t actually belong in based on your actual skill.


Thanks for posting what the devs said. The last sentence from the devs is absolutely false since people can go in any given competitive match and see that they are playing with and against people who are 500-1000 SR higher or lower, so we can discard everything else they said.

They will never be honest about how the matchmaker works because if they did people would be infuriated.


Actually they’ve stated how it works and it’s dumb. Literally it’s taking the average MMR of the lobby, not the average MMR of each role (which seems to be their intent for season 3). This means the MM can make serious tank or DPS diffs that lead to a match that doesn’t even feel close to fair because of the different amount of impact different roles have.

Actually, performance-based SR was a thing below Diamond in OW1. The added and removed it a couple of times.

Removed in 2017:
Google " Overwatch Is Removing Performance-Based SR" on Medium dot com.

Re-Added by 2021 (maybe earlier):
Google " This is how Overwatch’s SR system works" Jan 26, 2021 3:38 pm dotesports dot com

Only if you’re unable to tell the difference.

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Yeah, he’s fudging just a tad bit. Blizzard already stated they have expected win/loss teams in a match so they can see if you need to go up or down. Add in the MMR by account issues and you had severely skewed games. They also had a special game if you lost too many to give you an easy game. The number of trolls on here has increased dramatically in the last week. At least some of them are amusing.

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You really can’t take just being wrong can you lol.

Q: Do you deliberately place players into winner queues and loser queues?
A: There are no winner or loser queues in Overwatch. Your current MMR is the only thing the matchmaker takes into consideration when forming your matches. The matchmaker doesn’t force a 50% win rate on anyone, nor do we favor certain players over others.

At its core, our matchmaker is a mathematical formula used to place similarly ranked players together in a match with the goal of creating as fair of games as possible.

Even when it’s confirmed by the creators of the game, people still say it’s wrong… I’m baffled. I genuinely don’t know what else to say.

Why would I believe something that is different than what I’ve personally observed thousands of times?

Because your observations are wrong.

It’s always been the case that you were wrong. But you’ve convinced your self something’s happening to try and justify what you don’t understand. It’s a fairly common human reaction to do that then accept responsibility.

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