It's YOUR FAULT you can't climb! Stop making cheap excuses

I dont see how its my fault that my team cant protect their mercy, but okay. It isnt hard to climb though.

This season I climbed back to gold with a 50% winrate, I was losing about 15-20 SR on loses and gaining about 25 SR for every win. You shouldn’t really be climbing at a 50% winrate, but if you play better then everyone else in your rank you can still climb.

But i didn’t place in gm while im clearly a gm player(my mommy told me im really good) D: The system must be rigged against me!

Consider going 0/1 IRL

I agree that a lot of players make excuses. But when you keep ending up in matches where your dps has zero kills, half the dmg from the opposing team and you (me, I play support) have the highest heals, assists and more kills than the dps… It’s hard to see how the problem is oneself not being good enough.

its your fault that you didnt motivated your dps to play good enough , you should be ashamed . You had to give him a motivational speech at the start of the round to make him believe in himself! what kind of player are you? its disgusting to hear how much you neglect your team mates!!!

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And can you control any of that?

Is there a button you have, some skill you’ve mastered, that can make the other people in the lobby play the way you feel is optimal?


Alright then, your best bet is to just take a breath, realize you can only change and affect your own gameplay, and do your best even through all the garbage.

No, you can’t help it when your tank decides to throw the match. What you can do is pick your best and play your best to the finish line, even if it’s a guaranteed loss. You’ll lose points just for losing, but I ghot a secret for you…

Overwatch don’t give you jack for having a high score. And really, are you that concerned about what some sniveling nerd here on the forums says about your ranking?

Play to get better at the game, regardless of if the match you’re given is hardmode or not.

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Four years to come up with this?
Maybe you should go first if your life moves that slowly.


The games are a clown show. I can’t tell the difference between B5 or P5(two accounts in each). That could be because I have gold players in my B5 games though. Everything is too random and inconsistent to be taken seriously. I’m not sure how anyone can defend this mm and rank system. It’s dumb. I don’t care though. I like how much I’ve improved since S1. Rank is meaningless.

As a solo queuer, you go against stacks, so that’s not the case at all for us. It’s not a serious mode. All the ranks are nonsense. I look at people’s profiles that have high ranks and they hardly play comp. If you place, and then don’t play much, you’ll be at a higher rank than if you played a lot. You also see where people get boosted. They don’t play any or just a few games and shoot up a few ranks each season. It looks completely random to me. I think the matchmaking and ranking system are inadequate.


the operating theory among the apologists is essentially every loss streak is exclusively your fault and every win streak is luck. It’s absolutely moronic, but it is what it is. The playerbase is bottoming out and these drooling mouthbreathers refuse to admit there is even a problem - I guess that’s why they’re the only ones left, too stupid to see the writing on the wall.

Defend the game to its grave. See how that works out for you.


The matchmaker is designed explicitly to do one thing and one thing only - ensure complete steamrolls EVERY game. If you get a game that isn’t, then that’s a statistical anomaly, a complete outlier. The matchmaker’s algorithm is “Put the best five players on one team, the worst five on the other.” Much easier to implement than something that would be FAIR. They’ve been doing this since WoW PvP and will be doing it until the company fails completely.

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while i don’t disagree, the matchmaker is really trash

spot on. this hits the nails

Lol i’ll keep that in mind xD

The things that helped me go from gold to diamond: CD timing, not dying, and regularly taking 1v1s as a support.

As far as throwers and trolls go though, nothing can really be done you just do your best and gg next…

Can I see some replays of you individually carrying the team where it is clear that you and you alone made the difference

i know this post is 4 years old but the “My teammates are never cooperating” is the part that holds me back the most. i don’t know what game i’m going to get as a solo q player so it’s personally hard to me to be consistent with alot of variables out of my control. I honestly wish I had a couple of people I knew that i could try to synergize with to have SOME consistency in the games.

I guess it’s not easy to do that so finding a strategy or a gameplan to have a decent place to start with before expanding would work alot if i knew where and how to find it?

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Ha! I can’t even get beyond bronze 5. So good for you.

Alright mate hope you don’t mind crossposting you from another thread. I assume tyhese are your games, and that you’re “Gazlowe”?

Let’s see what we can do about your Bronze 5’ing.


Okay so your big issue here is aim. No big news I suppose, bronze 5 and all. But this is definitely something you can work on and improve and bring way more value to your games. It looks like you heard something about how the heroes you picked can “just spam” (especially Junkrat) and took it way too much to heart. You’re arcing grenades over the map, you’re wasting icicles and torb shots into walls.

Junkrat can get value from spam… in certain circumstances, and only if he’s actually shooting at the enemy. Lobbing stuff way over their heads and hoping for magic to happen won’t do it. And with Pharah… Her splash damage is actually pretty abysmal, you’ve got to be landing those direct shots. Practice leading in a custom game or something.

I would also recommend getting practice in with Ashe, Soldier, McCree, and Bastion. Practice those Hitscan heroes. They’re actually easier in most ways than projectile heroes, since every hitscan shot travels the same speed in the same path, whereas you have to learn different speeds and trajectories with Mei and Junkrat and hanzo and all that.


Okay, Lucio.

First… You’re playing like an Illari pylon here. Lucio is not a “stand there and heal” hero. He’s actually geared for offensive play. I realize your other support is a Brigitte so you’re probably worried about raw healing output, but genuinely the best way to play that pair is just to speedboost the Brigitte and run around the enemy backline with her terrorising their supports and ranged DPS. Lucio is one of the better heroes for dueling an Ana since he can actually dodge most of her kit pretty ably and heal through her damage, so take advantage of that.

Second… Move more, my guy! Wall ride. You’re not even skating when you contest the cart after the first fight (which by the way? You should have just retreated; the fact that enemy team is absolutely terrible at dealing with you doesn’t create value, because you’re like three feed away from the cart spawn point, you didn’t stall anything useful.)

Third, don’t worry about Doomfist fighting your Sigma. Sigma’s got that, easy. Doomfist doing a tank brawl is a Doomfist playing poorly. if you want to play defense for your tank, keep the reaper off of him with the boops and noggin-shots.

And again… aim training. It sounds silly but Lucio has pretty good damage output for a support, if you’re landing your shots (which can be kind of hard, yes, since he sort of “floats”)

Second point fight, you actually do okay, except you forget you’re alone. Lucio can be a decent assassin but he’s not winning a 3v1 like that. You tunnel-visioned and got sent back to spawn.

And then swap to Moira. Alright, not a bad pick considering what I’m seeing. You do alright in the fight that follows. Fading into a randomly-placed sojourn disruptor shot is just bad luck.

Note: You cannot heal a naded character. it still drains your resources though.

For some reason you jump into the enemy backline 2v5… and you get rolled, rather predictably. I suppose you weren’t expecting the Lucio ult there, which is fair… .but maybe start thinking about stuff like that, “I haven’t seen Lucio ult yet, i’ll bet he has it,” and play accordingly.

As an aside… my goodness their Reaper just fed hard - I assumed he had ult when he made that move and was gonna call it a good play on everyone focusing him down that fast… .but dude was at 75% and just teleports in 1v4. What a goofball.

Alright, good call on using moira ult; there’s really no reason to save it, Moira ult is basically a cooldown anyway. Your mistake here was trying to backline it. I know all the memes about “backline moira” but really if you had popped it behind YOUR team instead of theirs, you would have gotten heal AND damage value and would have had bodies between you and the enemy team.

Round 2 you go Kiriko… And I dunno man you just seem seriously lost, tucked away in the spawn doors, waiting to heal whoever walks by. Not a single suzu was used that day. And unfortunately Kiriko really benefits from aim. The way you’re playing her here looks more like a sleepy Lifeweaver. And… oh my what was that ultimate? Do you know how Kiri ult works? It creates a path starting from you, in the direction you face. that ends when it collides with terrain. So, when you face a wall and pop it, you have like… two feet of ultimate to work with.

And now the Illari swap. Let’s see if your aim improves on Hitscan because, well you can’t get value out of Illari if you’re not landing shots. …No apparently you’re not any better here, and you keep mixing up her primary and secondary fire. oof.

For this game it looks like you just… kind of don’t know the kits of the heroes you picked. Moira’s simple enough so you didn’t do too badly with her but the other tree were a real mess.


Was it “your fault you lost”? I dunno, and it doesn’t matter. The fact is you have a LOT of room to improve, improving those things will definitely help you climb, and they’re not that hard to improve. Right now you mostly just need to work on mechanics (both aim and movement) and understanding the heroes you picked. Landing shots and utilizing the full packages of your picks will make a huge difference at bronze 5, I guarantee.

Other areas to work on are map and situational awareness (I lost count of how many times you had the enemy mercy just doinking away at you without you seeming to notice in that Midtown game) and learning better synergies and counters. That last one’s not so big an issue from what I’ve seen (and really it’s Bronze 5, everyione’s just playing whatever anyway) but it’s still a goof thing to learn, and there’s some important basics (like, “maybe don’t bring Junkrat to a Zarya fight.”)