Its True, Briggette, Moira, Doomfist, ruined Overwatch

Heck even the stuff outside of the game feels half done. Like seriously whens the next comic ever gonna come out?

Agreed. It also makes a real misleading thumbnail.


(edit, removed the top part of the post, which really was a longer version of the bottom part of the post)

No, they asked for Mobility counters. Which is autolock, stuns or big AOE. In short, they were created because mobility owned the top tiers of the game, and there was no counter to them.

For you to go on a rant about these heroes without talking about WHY they existed in the first place is a little weird to be honest.


The OP is bronze. Nothing to say anymore.


He is talking about popular options. if I didn’t look, I wouldn’t know they were Bronze. Doomfist isn’t even a problem down there, unless they are being smurfed, which is a different problem.

But, just dismissing what PLENTY of people in higher ranks are ALSO saying in the basis of “they are just bronze” isn’t a good enough defence.

You need real arguments against it, rather than just attacking the person saying it.

Doomfist was forgoten until he became meta few months back.How did he kill the game


You don’t know anything about doomfist since you never played him, and your most hero played in comp is brig…

Why ?? People don’t say that about anyone but df

Why say that about him but not half the roster ?? Rein fits in an FPS game ? Also Overwatch is a hero-based team FPS…
DF’s concept must have been hard to come up with, and balance, but it still works and makes for one of the most original and fun kit to use.

When you understand he has 3 movement abilities then you have all the counterplay in the world predicting/baiting them. People complain about his CC’s, but he’s animation locked during E and RP, and CC’d as his target with uppercut.
If he farms me as ana, it’s 90% that I missed sleep.

He has the hardest counters in game in CC, the biggest hitbox and lots of bugs and his ult has never been OP at high level since cover, shields, angles and verticality makes you safe.

Just compare him to other DPS like Genji and tell me how much “funnier” or easier it is to deal with one while farming one of the best DPS ultimate at safe distance, having one shot combos, slim hitbox and double-jump, wall-climb

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I can understand the lack of gameplay mechanic and team play at this elo, maybe this is why he say Brigitte & Moira ruined Overwatch.

But, they are not even problems down there. (well Doom and Moira anyway)

Doomfist is only a problem if someone has thrown down to smurf with him, which… being in bronze, happens more than it should. But that isn’t the hero as such.

The biggest Moira problem in bronze is trying to get them to heal your own team.

Zen and Lucio have higher win rates down there. Hell, Lucio heals more than Moira does at that elo, because at least he is on his healing aura. Seriously… yeah, she is good at killing people, but she doesn’t heal her team as she does so… she may as well be on the dps slot with 4 other members of the team.

Let me reiterate with this… because it is worth saying again… Zen. That high aim requirement, hard to position hero STILL has a higher win rate than Moira. It is almost counter to everything the game is about.

Brigitte though, IS an issue. No aim, lots of health, self healing to remove chip damage, straight forward game play. She is built for winning games in Bronze.

That I’ll give them. She is a problem down there… she is a DIFFERENT problem at high elos, but she is an issue down there.

And yet outside of GM, Brig is the least played support by a HUGE margin (on average). On average, she’s the 12th least played hero of the 29 characters currently available (poor Doomfist is literally in dead last, with more people going with Torb and Sym). And we all know the reason why her highest pick rate is in GM.

So if the game is still being ruined for anyone outside GM, look elsewhere for the problems because people aren’t playing her.


Tracer doesn’t get play time either, but people still complain about her.

Don’t even start me on Mei :slight_smile:

Right, these are different people saying this. The point is, look up statistics and you’ll find quite a few things. For example, Ana is the number one picked hero in Diamond - Masters. More so than Lucio and Rein.

Ana is picked over Mercy in silver. Which is kinda weird when you think about it.

Her win rate is what you would expect down there (if you would expect a support which requires aim to not work out so well in lower ELOs)

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Rein does though. He functions as he was designed to, and is core to the balancing of the game.

On the other hand, doomfist is a hero who punches things through shields, and is most of the time heavily outmatched or out metad by all the things that are counter intuitive to his whole kit. A game full of stuns with a hero who ONLY does close range things with no way to block any of it for example. He never felt like he belonged in this game, hes more of a straight out of a fantasy rpg type hero kit.

That’s nothing against his balancing, i just think hes REALLY out of place in this game.

I didn’t mean soley FPS by the way, i thought it would have been obvious but hes a special case, all the whistles but nothing to back them up. He in the state he is in is always going to be underpowered or overpowered. Very gimmicky, and nothing like any other hero who has seemingly got proper kits to function in this game.

I disagree, especially considering hammond, mei, junk for example, because those skillsets are as well very out of place in an FPS, but are very nicely implemented.

He’s very hard to balance for sure, but to me it is a daunting hero concept and they made it work just like the others( yes even Brigitte ).
I do like to play against doomfist and very often outplay him with most of the roster since I’m a flex guy ( maybe because I know the char well ).

He’s a flanker who’s even more “go all-in” “boom or bust” “do or die” than genji/tracer, whom take less risks for “less reward”( debatable ).

No poke, bigger hitbox, harder counters, more health, more burst. Also I feel like the general public doesn’t know him well enough to counter him compared to other DPS.

I do believe he fills a void in this category, since the only deadly DPS CQC char is Reaper and he has no mobility, but decent sustain( still why don’t they rework E yet… ).

They’re fine, all new heroes have vastly changed how the game has been played and I bet new heroes will do the same. Just because its different meta doesn’t mean the game is worse.

nah,its hanzo,gengi and willy wonka

Add Sombra to the mix of game-destroying heroes.

go play a regular FPS shooter then? overwatch isn’t all about dat s1Ck a1M br0!1!!

But moira sucks… Pun intended
She’s a sub par hero in most ranks.

Brig I agree. It’s where I lost a lot of love for the game. She’s been nerfed. But the love isn’t back

Doomfist needed tweaks. And he got gutted. Idk what blizzard was thinking