we have global regen and feels ok. we dont need bigger healthpools. 200hp is fine for almost all non tank heroes and bullet size should go back or close to what it was in ow1.
im talking for 6v6 ofc, not the crap you call ow2.
we have global regen and feels ok. we dont need bigger healthpools. 200hp is fine for almost all non tank heroes and bullet size should go back or close to what it was in ow1.
im talking for 6v6 ofc, not the crap you call ow2.
Hard agree. HP values and projectile sizes from S9 onwards should be reverted, and all the damage compensations that came after.
The role passives should also be removed for 6v6.
Yeah theres no reason the HP and Hitbox changes shouldve ever made it. Tanks got properly nerfed down into 6v6 stats, while everyone else has kept their 5v5 stats and I feel the gap between tank and dps has grown too small.
Part of 6v6 was supposed to help DPS be able to actually outplay tanks and not instantly lose for free when any tank in the roster blindly W key’d, but overall tanks should still have the advantage and it feels like the advantage has gotten a little too small.
Just straight up not gonna keep tank players like that. Mindless balance from a mindless team.
Yes, revert the hp changes, for all heroes, then tweak armour to ensure tanks still can take space for a limited time without insta melting.
Why on this earth do we have the high skill ceiling, sniper “glass cannon” hero who can with no warning or worse with a no-risk damage boost send other heroes back to lobby, sitting there with 225hp and their mercy pocket. Let’s put her at 175 hp so she’s actually glass cannon, not an iron one if you’re not going to ever address her lack of scope glint/laser and the issues damage boost on cracked aim players brings to the game.
Also revert the stupid nerf to JQ, she has no shield or team protection or mobility, she needs her self heal to be a sustained threat. Come on balance team earn your pay cheque for a change here please.
Yes bring back “bloodshots” or shots where you clearly hit but because server ping is a thing it doesn’t count it. When we talk about changing hitboxes that is what we are talking about bringing back.
What is hilarious is that with the off tank back, Widowmaker is SAFER THAN EVER. Most hitscans are safer than ever with 2 tanks back. And most of them got buffed.
Meanwhile, heroes like Sym and Mei have to brawl it out with double the tanks while having much weaker kits than in OW2. Mei is practically a throw pick in 6v6, and Sym feels only slightly better when both tanks pick large tanks with barriers.
S9 (and changes that came after that) have been one of the biggest mistakes. Be it the health pool changes or rank resets or projectile changes.
Healthpool are horribly unbalanced now. You have kiri and moria on 225 while Reaper is running around with 300 and self heal! This is stupid!
I mean… it definitely would make sombra better and you know people would hate that.
The reason were very easily stated by Blizzard directly. Every single 1shot combo became harder to pull off or no longer existed. Some 1shot combos were returned like Junkrat. However, most were not kept.
They made burst killing less valuable. The hitbox changes were made to generally make people feel like they could hit shots.
It made the less bursty and more consistent. You do not die as immediately fast, but you take more sustained pressure because more shots are being landed against you.