Its time to take hog (maybe zarya) out of tank group

What people don’t realize either is tanks are by for the most countered roll in the game. With 2-2-2 being a thing we NEED tanks like Hog/Ball who excel at counter picking.

I too would quit tanking if I had no answer to that Widow in the back line no one is paying attention to. Or the Tracer/Reaper everyone is ignoring.

No tank can peel and eliminate problems a team isn’t handling like Hog can. People like what’s-his-face don’t like Hog because Hog is the only true counter to heros like Doomfist in the tank catagory.

He also counters things like overconfident Lucios who no one is killing as he literally dances on your teams head, Tracers, Bastions, and other Hogs.

Some of these heros you could counter with like a Winston but it’s good that tank players can mold their playstyle and counter picks to their preference and playstyle.

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Remind me how Reinhardt was destroyed again.

-600 barrier hp?
20% reduction in steadfast?
2.5 second earthshatter duration?

He’s still a viable pick but he sure ain’t the same crusader he was back in january.

Honestly the speed increase plus steadfast more than makes up for it. I’d take current Rein over old Rein any day.

Also, it’s -400 barrier HP, and he never had a 2000 hp barrier and any steadfast at all at the same time.


Yes… he did?

December 10 2019


Barrier Field

  • Health reduced from 2000 to 1600
  • Movement speed penalty reduced from 50% to 30%

Steadfast passive knockback resistance increased from 30% to 50%

Developer Comment: The above changes to armor, Orisa, Sigma, and Reinhardt are aimed at decreasing the overall amount time players spend damaging barriers while improving the individual heroes in other areas. This is a significant change to the pace of the game and we’ll be monitoring these heroes closely to ensure they retain impactful gameplay in the tank role.

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Well, honestly, I’m happy. That Reinhardt was made of cheapness and I hated it. I’m thrilled with any low-Rein meta.

but -600 hp was a typo sorry you’re right it should be -400

So he got steadfast added in august 2019 and he got caught by the barrier downsizing in december, but arguably the 50% steadfast + lower shield movement penalty was BETTER than the 2000 hp barrier, and this was when he was at his best.

He was practically a must pick in this state because of how much he damage he could do with a speedboost + nanoboost. Everybody complained on the forums for months.

Then they nerfed steadfast back to 30% in april and weakened earthshatter 3 weeks later, which brings us to today, where he’s a solid pick at every rank but GM.

sounds like a few ppl in the thread have some sense about all this.

being a tank is not just about taking dmg. and more than just tanks can make/take space. if hog has a lot of HP, that makes him tanky. tankY. get it? thats not necessarily a tank. just something that can sponge some dmg. often just to feed the enemy team ult charge.

any decent definition of a tank revolves around what the tank does for the other people in the group, not just how much health or whatever the tank has. a tank’s toolkit is fairly well defined and hog doesnt match it at all. like at all.

granted, its not so easy to just yoink hog out of tank group and stick him in dps. changes would need to be made and wahhhh hog mains might not like it but either youre a tank player or not, and if you are, youd play less hog and play a real tank. whatever.

in theory, dps queues would just be that much higher but so what? some kind of huge difference? probably not. and would the overall quality of matches be better? probably. since the “tanks” you have on your team would generally be actual tanks and not a hog running around playing deathmatch for the whole game, which may or may not actually help his team get work done.

there are many things you can do which make/take space. a dps can accomplish this. if a hog runs around getting pick after pick, some would call that a carry =D but that still doesnt make him a tank.

i mean jesus im not sure how much more clear i can make it. plus, some super marginal increase to dps queues (which is only an assumption) would still be outweighed by generally higher quality games.