you really though i was being serious? a tank having a kill threat doesnt add up to them being a tank. if it did then the entire dps role is considered an off tank. bastion is also a tank based on your reasoning. has 300 hp, high self heal, ironclad,and a kill threat.
walking foward with hog is feeding not creating space. and hog has better space maker because he has a lower threat area than widow? how many hogs do you see just walking foward and the enemy wets their pants and runs away
and Blizzard explained why hog isnt moved to dps and mei isnt moved to tank. hog would have to recieve multiple nerfs in order to put him there so they dont want to make him worse, and mei cant be put in tank because her right click does too much damage for a tank so they would have to change it.
hog reason:
mei reason (comment should be highlighted):