Its time to admit it, the symmetra rework was a failure

They’re close to a decent hero. They just need to fix a couple of issues and address a couple of problems and she could be better.


  • Reduce activation time to 1.5s, fix the railing bug

Primary Fire:

  • adjust the number of ticks to 5 per second
  • base damage to 16, ramp up increases by 50%, 80/120/180
  • pierces enemies, gains charge per enemy pierced
  • applies a 15% movement speed debuff on enemies
  • heals Shield HP at 12/16/20 a second

The Teleporter changes fixed a necessary bug and increases its usage.

The primary changes addresses her need for sustain, helps reduce the skill floor a bit, and makes her a true threat in cqc.


The only problem with her rework was that she came in a bit underpowered instead of a bit overpowered. Though, frankly, her win rate is still pretty nuts, especially since there’s even less possibility that she’s only used in certain situations.

Basically, she didn’t make a big splash like Hanzo to kick the old preconceptions, so they still plague her. Even though new Symmetra is quite versatile, people still think that she’s niche. She’s not that map dependent since almost every map has powerful teleport spots. She still can’t really touch Pharah, but she has a much better chance against Winston and Widowmaker now. The few changes even helped level the playing field against Brigitte a bit. A bit more damage or survivability, and I think she’d be a total menace.

But in the end, her play style is very unique, not too broadly appealing, and very difficult to perform with. So she’s never going to have crazy high pick rates, kind of like Sombra, who has maintained low pick rates even when she’s been very strong and popular in pro play.

Not really. It made her from being good at her role to nobody knowing what the hell she is supposed to be. Her kit used to synergize well. Now it’s all over the place and she excels at nothing

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I was actually shocked that for the first time they admit something amiright?
Not like the mercy “successful” rework that had 13 nerfs huehuehue.

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I think its the reason she havent been pick in pro plays becasue even the pros dont kow where she fits.
Or maybe none of the pro know how to properly play her to her maximum potential, or they could just use Zarya you know hehe

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Yeah. Her kit is torn between flanker and shield buster but she’s too slow to be a flanker and not near enough survivability to sit on the frontline as a shield buster.

She used to be a straight up area denial hero and I was happy with her as that. Now the game has no area denial heroes.
Shieldgen was the most fun of ult I’ve ever had. She was the backbone to bunker comps

I used to put in great work with sym and now I can’t even enjoy the hero. She Went from my main to a hero I’ll never touch again.


I’ve been playing Symmetra since v1.0. Her current version is the most fun in my opinion. 1.0 and 2.0 were incredibly slow paced. And no matter how much you would buff 2.0, her niche would’ve remained Point A on 2CP.

Edit: If anything, 3.0 needs a reduced CD for turrets. And possibly a faster TP deployment. Her primary feels pretty decent now


It always seems to come back to the auto lock.

uh… excuse me. i have like 2 hours on ana and 7 or somethink on symm this season, about 70% winrate. and symmetra 3.0 is better. but yeah she needs tweaks shes so close to feeling complete

I always found her strongest on point B but she was solid at 2cp in general. I was ok with her being niche. She was good at her niche. 2.0 was the most fun I ever had this game. Now she feels like a mess, with a kit that has no synergy and a ton of problems. Her ult is also boring. It’s just a stationary rein shield. She used to have the most fun ults to work with in game. I loved that she was a area denial hero. Now she’s just another flanker

Wrong, reduce the turrets damage to 25 take that damage give it to the first two levels on her beam making it 60-90-120, let her stop and start her barriers flight so she can fill the shielding role of Orisa/Reinhardt.

Those along with throwable turrets would of made her far more viable. im not disagreeing 3.0 is stronger but 2.0 was unique as hell and only needed a few number adjustments and slight tweaks to make her strong and viable on most all maps providing cover but they just coped out and replaced her

her ult is NOT boring. if you cant make a 5000 health gigantic dhield work more often than not then i think you just need to be more strategic with placemrnts .

It’s boring. All you do is throw down the shield and forget.

Her ult used to be the most interesting part of her as it was something you worked to maintain. It’s criminal how much they changed her. She’s not the same hero and they alienated a good portion of the characters playerbase

I’m sorry but this is just wrong.

Reaper is an actual tank buster because he starts off at 250 hp, has 30% lifesteal has a get ouf of jail free card ability and his damage doesn’t need to ramp up. Symmetra has 200 HP, nothing to restore her health, no ability for quick escapes given how slow and buggy her teleport is. Unless she has pocket healers or a tank that babysits her, she can’t do anything vs tanks while reaper has 0 problems destroying a D.Va or a Winston solo.

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If you throw it down in the wrong place, it does nothing, but if you throw it down in the right place, it’s incredible. It’s an extremely skillful ultimate that interacts with the rest of the game in a very direct manner.

Unfortunately, Symmetra’s old ultimates did the opposite. There wasn’t much to distinguish yourself with them and what play was there kept Symmetra playing her own strategic game somewhat removed from her team. It was fun for Symmetra herself, but pretty problematic when it comes to the larger game and how others felt about playing alongside her.

I love Symmetra 3.0. She kept all of my favorite things, while getting rid of the things that were holding her back. She also picked up some incredible new tricks that make her my favorite hero by an even wider margin. I understand that’s not true of everyone. There has always been a lot to Symmetra, and different people are/were drawn to her for different reasons. All we can do is try to understand why the changes were made and make peace with the fact that no change was going to please everyone.


‘Snap to closest’ targeting is an absolute nightmare for teleporter, but it’s also an absolute nightmare for Shadowstep and that hasn’t had a lick of attention, so you can bet that this issue will stick.

she was bad at her role, and now is versatille, give seagull’s stream a look and ull find her role

Having a TP up fast was an incredible contribution for Sym 2.0. The only thing I use her current ult for is to screw over a bastion + orisa cheese comp and that’s it. It has very limited uses and stands out amongst DPS ults all of whom revolve around damage or immobilizing enemies. It could be more useful if Overwatch didn’t already have barrier tanks that move along with your team and thereby constantly reposition barriers to give you cover, it’s just a big rein shield that doesn’t move. Idk maybe if the shape was different like it was a big bubble with smaller HP or something

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There was plenty to separate placements, setup, and reading the team was everything. I played her on attack and defense and did great with her. Being able to swap between 2 ults was great and was never disconnected from my team. You could straight carry on 2.0 sym. I too the time to go through every map to find the best placements to figure best spots in placement that considered little watching but most effective use.

I’m not saying the shield isn’t strong in certain times. but it is absolutely boring.

They ruined her for me and I could care less about the lock-on.

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She was not bad at her role. She was very niche. If she was bad. She wouldn’t have had such a high winrate. She did her job well.