Moira beeds more dmg and buff her beam width.buff them by 20% each
Bait so bad even a starving fish would avoid
Nah she needs it, most importantly of all the comunity needs it
And kiriko needs more skins!!
Game has to make money somehow.those venture paupers aint paying the bills
NAY. Begone spirit.
AYE. Wise spirit.
Give me one good reason why they shouldnt buff her dmg
Bc she does enough dmg already and since she is no mechanical skill required hero, we should not buff her. There, two good reasons.
Pls provide a good reason why we should buff her.
Ur reasons aint good enough to offset genji tears
Genji tears? Actually, I have changed my mind. Moria can get a buff after all. All Moria dmg now increased by 20% against Genji and Genji only.
Kiriko still gets more skins.
Hm. Sounds to me like they should give Moira crits that require precision headshots.
It’s time Blizzard, let’s nerf the support role into total oblivion so people actually have to learn to play the game for a change.
Lol a kiriko player talks about skill
She doesn’t need a buff, let alone a damage buff! She deals more damage than some DPS could realistically achieve. The fact that you regularly see your Moira getting kills in the enemy backline already says it all.
Can you imagine the meltdown that will ensue if they buffed moira?
This needs to happen.
You are very likely not here to defend Symmetra, the only hero who actually gets outdueled easily by Moira, so… what?
The further from bronze you get, the more inconsequential moira gets. She needs something, and more damage is the outcome that will provide the most discourse entertainment.
I don’t care if the game becomes unplayable, I just want genji mains to cry
a change that would make moira engaging? yes please.
Moira will never get buffed because lower ranks have no idea how to deal with her.