they should definitely increase level requirement for competitive on consoles too.
There’s Quick Play still, I know, but at least if Competitive is fixed it’s better than nothing
Sorry but as smurfs are imaginary (in game and in real life) there is no fix needed.
Being better than you and beating your team = not an issue.
Throwing = already against the rules and reportable.
If someone is throwing to stay at a low SR then report them.
If someone beats you learn from it to become a better player. Just because someone is better than you there is no reason to call them names (like smurf)
What is it that you want to show me in that post?
Ill be honest they could make requirements to play comp, not just level, they could easily make requirement fir example, have at least 10 hours with at least 10 heroes, or maybe play at least 100 hours of Quick Play, and then comp will be unlocked.
Something like that
Level 25 is restrictive enough, plenty of time for new players to learn bad behaviours that won’t help them in comp.
Im not try to restrict people, my idea is mainly reducing the amount of smurf accounts in comp
remove imaginary things by punishing new players ? New players keep the game alive.
Oh i understand that trust me, but to reduce smurfs in comp it would make a difference
reduce a non-issue from non-existent to what ? even more imaginary ?
Wow… the combination of your logic and the amount of posts you’ve made on this forum (4905) is quite the phenomenon.
1 - The smurf is often on my team.
2 - I’ve beaten smurfs (who are taking advantage of inaccurate collective SR of their team) many times before.
3 - Top 500 players smurf all the the time. Look at streamers like Necros. Oh wait … to you they don’t exist XD
The TOS doesn’t put any limit on how many account you can own.
They put a limit on the number of accounts that can have blizzard balance in them which is 3.
Blizzard Balance is not a bank account. And, while you can register and play on multiple Accounts, you are not allowed to have more than three (3) Accounts with Blizzard Balance.
That also say clearly you can own multiple account and play them that is directly form the TOS!
No players on your team are close to your SR (they may be climbing due to being on an alt account which is fine)
What is your definition of smurf ? are you using the forums definition of any player better than you ?
preventing something that doesn’t exist.
again, how do YOU define smurfing ?
They’re talking about bnet accounts. You’re talking about overwatch accounts. Also I said allowed but not supported. Supported means convenience stuff like the drop menu for wow to choose wow accounts within your bnet account.
Ok, that’s really weird. I just double checked there and found out what is different.
The portuguese version of the EULA list a 3 account limitation in the very first section of the license. Since I’m from Brazil, that’s the version I actually read.
O número máximo de Contas que uma pessoa pode registrar na Plataforma é limitado a não mais que três (3) Contas.
Interesting enough, in the Blizzard Balance portion of the EULA, it also have a translation of the part your quoted, both the mention to multiple accounts, as well as the limitation of a max of 3 accounts with Blizzard Balance.
Since the brazilian EULA is from 2017 and english EULA is from 2018, my guess is that they forgot to update the portuguese legal term.
Some smurfs are better than me and some aren’t. I don’t think you understand the principle of smufing like everyone else does.
And why are you ignoring the fact that I pointed out about how there are videos of streamers smurfing openly? Is twitch imaginary? XD
I have seen the videos of streamers doing bronze to GM climbs (which is fine as that account is exactly what SR it is at any time and does not throw). on an alt account.
Alt accounts = fine.
Being better and climbing = fine
throwing = not fine but never complained about.
I was able to pinpoint the flaw in your logic
Alt accounts = smurfing
Have a good day
disagree, alt accounts = alt accounts. Yes many start at a low SR and have to work their way back up which is fine.
Blizzard has outright stated that alt accounts are fine.