It's safe to say this was a disappointing experience

Also i wouldn’t mind making moira harder to play however u complain 24/7 . Its getting annoying

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Here ya go, buddy:

Clearly you’ve got a lot of great, concrete ideas and plenty of experience in the video game making field, so you should have no problem getting a job there.

Go show 'em how it’s done!


I personally have only advocated for Recon buffs myself, but I feel like maybe that’s too much extra coding for the devs or something.

They want to keep Sentry viable, and that’s fine, but right now his ability to reposition and do anything BUT sentry is the main problem. The healing buff does help with that, but I can’t help but feel they held back purely because they’re applying the healing buff to both Sentry and Recon.

Who knows.

I mean I don’t think it mattered what the changes were to you. You were going to complain about them anyway.

Its just number tweaks…how freaking hard can it be change a few values. I know the COVID situation its hard…hell Iive in one of the countries that got it really bad but dude to pretend like minor numerical changes re hard its kind of dishonest.

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I do have a degree in computer science so I could apply… if I had any passion or hope left for the game… or if I lived on the other side of the planet… or didn’t give enough crap to be represented by a company that’s against human rights.

But holy crap what a trash argument. It’s not hard to listen to your pro players who you’re paying to play your trash game on what should be done about the balance, since they’re clearly struggling.

I could go on and on about where Blizzard failed but why would I, I already did.

If you feel like I’ve missed anything, feel free to point it out.


I guess it’s much easier to make excuses and whine on a forum than to put yourself out there and actually try to make a difference.

Well, have fun crying about it I guess.

I linked my posts where I tried. And there are many more. Not enough or did you just ignore it?

You know, I predicted people wouldn’t like the changes in a post I made yesterday.

Who would like number tweaks after they used such big words that describe a rework.

I know it’s hard to believe, but the forums are for people who actually still play and want to discuss the game, not the people who live in season 10 who just yell “Man blizzard sucks am I right glad I quit”

Said who? It’s obvious the game is going to shyte with each minute.

Says the people who are tired of hearing players who haven’t played seriously since 2018 whine and complain.

I like the changes overall

Looks like someone hasn’t played experimental. Mercy changes put her back to her old braindead “I can force this hero in every comp without consequence” self, and Ana’s healing decrease is definitely significant. People complaining sound like they weren’t hitting many shots with her in the first place. 5 hps makes a huge different on ult economy, who lives or dies, etc. more than you realise.

Is this bad? Do you hate fun? What’s wrong with Zen being actually usable for once? What’s wrong with him having more damage when he has no mobility and requires aim? Do you want them to buff his healing or something?

Yes, because heroes like Genji, Zenyatta, Tracer… you know, heroes who didn’t get much attention throughout the years, they’re balanced. They’ve faded into the background due to the rising amount of heal/damage powercreep. (Yes, even genji. He’s only played for nanoblade) They are balanced, while the rest of the cast is overbuffed.

At this point, it’s like Blizzard voluntarily ignores it, because there’s no way they’re so ignorant to not be aware of it by now.

Outside of the DPS role, which heroes are “over buffed” from their release states?

  • D.Va
  • Hanzo
  • Junkrat
  • Lúcio
  • McCree
  • Mei
  • Mercy
  • Pharah
  • Reaper
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • Soldier
  • Sombra
  • Symmetra
  • Torbjörn
  • Widowmaker
  • Winston
  • Zarya

AND + new hero additions, all of them

Not a single hero (except post-launch heroes who were released OP for the sake of marketing) in the roster currently is worse than their initial versions. However, every single hero except Tracer, Zen and Genji got many more changes, most of them for the better. is currently worse than she was in the past though? Lower armour HP, less damage on rockets, less uptime on DM, less length on DM

Hanzo is back to his pre-rework levels of use and winrates. Hanzo is a DPS

Junkrat is worse than he used to be as well. Even before his buffs he was one of the only positive winrate heroes in Bronze, and now he’s far from that. Junkrat is a DPS

Lucio is roughly the same overall? He can’t speed people for 70% 20 metres away anymore though

McCree is a DPS and I can’t argue against this one

Mei is worse than she has ever been. Her entire flow of her kit is mostly gone, and replaced with a weird focus on her projectiles. Mei is a DPS

Mercy is currently weaker now than she was just prior to her rework. She was a top tier hero at the time, not meta, but a viable option.

Pharah has remained pretty much untouched, with a revert recently to change her back to how she was closer to launch. Pharah is a DPS

Reaper is back to where he was just after they removed the Orb passive. Reaper is a DPS

Reinhardt has lower barrier hp, and less CC on Earth shatter. His passive was nerfed back to the orginal value. Weaker than he was during Goats and Double Barrier.

Roadhog? Really? He’s the prime example of a hero who has never been as good as they used to be

Soldier is like McCree, can’t argue against. Soldier is a DPS

Sombra is a mixed bag. Her key focus was always her hack, and spamming instant EMPS. Those are gone, but at the cost of slightly tighter spread. Still nothing compared to when she was used as an off support/ EMP bot. Sombra is also a DPS

Symmetra is literally statistically worse than she has ever been right now. Prior to her 3rd rework, she had the same current pickrates of sub 1%, but the highest winrate in the game, with well into the 60% mark. The highest she ever got was up to 67% winrate average during 2.0. Symmetra is a DPS

Torbjorn is in the same boat as Sym. After his rework he was doing very well, but they nerfed his alternative fire lowering his damage. Weaker than he was post re-work, and roughly the same place as he was pre-rework with more combat effectiveness and less armour spam. Torb is also a DPS

Widowmaker is literally the weakest she has ever been. Widowmaker is also a DPS

Winston I can’t argue against. He has only been buffed.

Zarya used to be able to charge 50% energy per bubble, and splash damage was able to charge both bubbles at the same time. She also had higher max damage at the time as well.

I mean, you could argue Tracer is better than she was on launch? She’s only lost 50 damage on pulse bomb, but her fall off range has been increased meaning she can do more damage from further away.

But I was more interested in Tanks/ Supports since pretty much every single DPS has been buffed up in some way, though most of them have been toned back down in recent changes

Ah yes Genji and Tracer where perfectly fine. And then Brig happened. And then GOATS happened. And then the healing powercreep happened. Things changed, and then Tracer and Genji couldn’t provide enough damage to counter the massive healing. Do you want them to just stay the same way they were forever despite the fact that they clearly couldn’t function in the current state of the game?

It’s the same thing with Zen. Yes Zen was perfectly fine, but when a character just doesn’t get used at all after a major overhaul in the game (2-2-2 lock) they have to change him up too so he can be effective in the game.

Also you think the rest of the cast is overbuffed, then why are you complaining that the Mercy buffs make no difference?