Its over my dudes

See you in 36 days!
I got last minite game with Juno and she was awesome. Thanks Bliz for great weekend! I might be was salty about bliz recent decisions but Juno makes me foget them all :slight_smile:


All hail Juno the Martian Girl! :grinning: :grin: :raised_hands:


Yeah, Overwatch is boring again. Waiting for next season…


You could say it’s Junover


Nice one, my friend!

I’ve seen someone say the same thing when Magua was temporarily available


Im really sorry.

Juno was VERY annoying.

Im happy that people found joy in playing this character. BUT…

I think the game needs some work before the game is ready for Juno.

Thank god—maybe I’ll actually get a tolerable support queue again


I enjoyed her playtest. I hope they tweak her in the areas she needs a little help in, and take the data they gained and make the necessary changes.


She is amazing to play, is not annoying to play against and seems to be quite balanced currently, so no big changes needed.

Juno is the healthiest hero they have ever added into OW I would say, or at least support, close second is Moira (no joke). Every single other support (even in OW1) was either completely broken or completely useless or had some annoying gimmick.

She just feels right. Happy to have a support like her in the game soon.


IM happy people are enjoying the hero, for sure.

But I feel like we are playing against another SMG character like 76 .

Im 50/50 on it. I think an 8% damage reduction would “balance” Juno and work out.

oh and an 80% REDUCTION in voicelines :stuck_out_tongue:

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for the right reason, people complained about her low damage/DPS/whatever

it’s only fair for the weaker character to be more elusive for example.

wait you’re complaining about damage?

Same here. Playing Tekken 8 instead.

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No doubt. I think they do this just for the playtests though.

I noticed that Venture got much quieter after their formal release.

Honestly, I think she’s well tuned too, which is saying something.

In the right hands (IE, not mine, because my aim stinks) I can see where she’d be exceedingly valuable on both offense and defense, and her abilities synergize with the entire roster. That’s saying something, because synergy is hard to come by.

I would like to see what it looks like when Juno is healing an invis Sombra from the enemy point of view though. Is it visible? Do you see any effects? No idea, because I wasn’t paying attention to Sombra getting healed while cloaked, only deleting me lol.

And then the cycle of the blizzard gamer continues.

while i agree, it has nothing to do with juno, Its the s11 that needs fixing.

Yep finished my BP. Gonna go Marvel Rivals CBT from tomorrow and then continue to play The First Descendant till S12.

I almost finished Jedi Survivor + have Bloodborne installed. I’m patient as hell lol.


And the steam numbers went back down again.

10k at the most is how much a 4 months of work can attract.