It's not so much that tank is bad

So I’ll be honest I don’t play tank at all anymore because it’s a miserable experience. Not so much because the role is bad but more so because blizzard doesn’t care much for addressing problematic heroes. It’s not fun playing against Orisa or Mauga every other game. In the same way that dps would not be fun if I played Widow every game. Or support if I played against life weaver or Bap every game.

If most tank games were against heroes like Rein, Winston, Dva then I don’t think many people would be too upset. The most fun and fair tanks to play with/against just feel so incredibly easy to counter. While heroes like Orisa, Sigma or Mauga feel less fun to play against. If the devs addressed these heroes and pushed the more fun tanks into the spotlight then I think tank players as a whole would feel happier. What do you think?

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The main problem right now is just the dominance of Orisa, Hog, and Mauga.

These three should stay as more niche picks imo (except Mauga who should stay in the trash until a rework). The meta becomes incredibly stale when they’re strong.


A lot of the people complaining about tank being bad don’t realise that the braindead trio of tanks (Mauga, Hog and Orisa) are being cycled in and out of dominance and that’s why the role sucks so bad. Most of the CC and tankbusting is coming from these three brainlet heroes

So many stupid changes made because they just get insta picked when things are going wrong. Just pick these three to CC the enemy tank all game. How fun is that. We’re at a point where these three are interchangeably seeing playtime, and as a result just gatekeep every other tank