"It's not going live!" You don't get it

You don’t.

These are the people who’ve been dripping poison into Blizzard’s ear ALL THE TIME.
The people who’ve been pushing the balance direction in their not-so-secret discord.

They’re the reason DPS run this game. They’re the reason Tanks are trash. They’re why good suggestions get shot down and why heroes that need help get nothing. They’re why specific heroes are untouchable from nerfs while others are consigned to be trash.

The only thing different this time is, we get to see it happen in the daylight. Their bias and poorly informed opinion on full display.

Don’t tell me this stunt didn’t matter. It matters. It’s why the game is dying. It’s why time and resources get shunted into neverending games of “50 ways to screw over this hero because they’re not a streamer darling” and “team wipe Dragon Blade isn’t enough. We want MORE” and “we’re gonna poop out another Damage hero instead of wildly under-represented tanks or supports and now we’re done with new heroes too bad byeeee”.


They’re just meming around for a tourney


Beyoncé voice WHO RUNS THE WORLD?


I wish they meme’d a bit harder.
This is mellowing, thought I’d be more excited.


I think what he means is that this is the type of players that have access to developer discussion via the Discord and Reddit channels, which is rather concerning. In a way, these are the people providing a say in terms of balancing.


This was just something wacky and is supposed to be the content for this month.


your jealous is showing buddy but furthermore, even if they had said something you agreed with there would be a lot of people who simply wouldn’t like it either

this experiment is just for fun and if something ends up coming to live it’s only because it might be really good for the game, like Orisa’s shield having 700 hp for example, stop taking this game so seriously for once


Moth’s Lucio changes were awesome as well.


If these people are so influential, why weren’t these changes already in the game in the first place?


These changes are pretty lame for a “wacky” experimental. Buffing Junkrat’s minimum mine damage by five? Would people even notice that in an actual game? Only a few changes came off as actually daring imo.


I mean they did stuff like buffing dragon strike so I think that this was made for the memes.

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Because devs still have the minimum IQ for the job and do filter a bit.
But this time pros got carte blanche.

This ExC is no different from most of the changes we got in the past in terms of logic, the difference is in terms of scale.


Flying Bastion would’ve been pretty good meme fuel…


Really wish that they added that


They were given the chance to seriously affect the game balance and they’re throwing it away by memeing and personal bias.

I seriously hope devs take a long hard look at who they let influence their opinions about game balance from now on. Because the changes we’re getting reek of bias and none of them are good for the overall health of the game.


We are basically getting a sneak peak of the secret discord discussions they have every day live rn.

Imagine if we could’ve gotta a real experimental card instead of a glorify ," Influencer Tournament " Nothing is going live


Yeah, the only changes that actually matter are to the OWL cookie-cutter characters and the rest are all some yolo changes added in to make it seem like these so called “pros” actually DID something for the playerbase.

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I know I’m probably going to get roasted at the stake for this, but, Valorant has a pretty good balancing thing going on so far: they take a look at both player and pro feedback, test it out for themselves, and then come to a consensus on what is the best course of action.

Sure, they have less to balance in terms of abilities and gunplay, but taking a look at their E-Sports scene compared to OWL, it’s pretty telling which one has better “I can see how that happened” appeal. Even if you exclude E-Sports, the average game there would probably feel less stressful than an average game in Overwatch.


Because they usually have a bigger sample group that chooses these things - and because this panel is meant to directly be what THEY want with no interference outside of eachother


Rien, winston, d.va are in the best state they been in for years now.

Orisa has become a hard DPS counter, and hog, zarya, and sigma are still all great picks.

Ball is an odd one, but we need to wait and see on him.