It's not Double Barrier, it's Triple Barrier, and Blizz you missed nerfing one

Yea I hope Mei gets toned down soon. I’d like to play tank again without wanting to alt+F4

Man, I’ve read some crazy crap on these forums, but this is on another level


Mei is fine. Just learn to play around her.


The devs are probably waiting to see what the wall crack thing will do.

Mei has almost never been balanced. She’s spent the majority of the game’s history being underpowered. There’s being a little off, and there’s being thoroughly wrong. This is the latter.


totally agree and i play hammond.

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Maybe because she has been underperforming for almost the entire time this game has been out and Blizzard actually realizes that she is not overpowered just because some whiny people cry about how unfair she is.

Yeah…? Is that so… :thinking:

What am I supposed to be looking for in that post?

  1. Double barrier isn’t apparently the meta anymore.
  2. Neither is Mei.
  3. If fun is a valid reason to nerf heroes, then I too have a list of heroes who I like to see nerfed.
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Mei is at a point where outside of a few situations where she’s lethal up close against tanks, the rest of the cast can outplay her easy, and the current version of her with slowed freezing against any character with decent mobility feels like she can’t stop anyone anymore.

I’d say she’s fine right now.

The point is that for a huge portion of the game’s lifespan, the idea that Mei is extremely BALANCED and slightly UNDERPOWERED has been the prevailing opinion for many many people as shown in evidence.

…I’ve spent so much time on the forums that I can recognize people by their post count and profile pic, fml

I’m looking at the post you linked and not finding evidence for that. As for underpowered… that’s not balanced is it?

Well if everyone destroyed the wall and not just stand there watching our Reinhardt die…

or maybe Reinhardt can learn from the first 10 times that they have a mei lol.

Ah yes, a no-aim stun on primary fire is totally balanced.

Definitely not, she spent the majority of the game being map specific, which is good, and mei OTPs were more than capable, a friend of mine reached 3.9 from 2400 playing only mei in a single season in season 13, when mei was considered a throw pick. Jardio has always been t500 playing mei, even when she was a throw pick, because she’s never actually been a throw pick. It’s just that people don’t like playing her

Yeah how dare something that was in the game since day 1 CONTINUE to be in the game…

And no, multi-freeze does not counter Dive…

Dive heroes aren’t the ones marching through choke points…they usually attack from different angles as well.

She was basically the gatekeeper of bronze. Other then that in most “professional” games before Bunker she was generally F tier most of the time. The old meta reports shown F tier in around 30 of them.

I guess you never play Mei. It requires more aim than any other cc outside of Ana’s, and is harder than it was previously due to the slow nerf. Sure, it isn’t a hard ability unless against
a good high mobility player, but it’s not no aim. It also gives enough time before freezing to kill Mei (every hero can do so in that time), and offers enough counterplay via shields, instant cc, knockbacks, or raw DPS. Ptr patch notes also show that they have changed cc so people can’t get stun locked. So yeah, it’s pretty damn fair. It’s just easier to say the freeze is an issue than for players to admit their flaws when playing. Is the only reason anyone gives a damn about ‘skill’, ironically.

Stats show Mei is unlikely to be meta come OWL too, so the fact there’s still a bandwagon is ridiculous.

Yeah, I think I can stop posting Mei nerf posts.

Keeping in mind my intention was to do minimal nerfs to avoid sledgehammer nerfs.

But her GM pickrate seems to be dropping nicely. So unless Pros skyrocket that back up, I think we’re good.

Haha. I get what you means.

I’m not trying to hide it though.
My playername used to Bloggerman.
I wanted a different name, and this one suits my playstyle the most. (I play mostly Mei and Sombra.)

Fun fact:
TheDevil isn’t allowed, bit Devil is.
I wonder why.

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