Its not a bug it what you actually are

I got out of gold solo queuing. I climbed to diamond with a buddy. Now I am just a plat player.

Oh, and nice name considering the player you’re ripping off is on a Overwatch League team.

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I really wanna see you try to do this now lmfao

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This guy understands gold tier , these are the kind of people i want to interact with because they are experiencing . DCs in gold tier are too much that we consider them as normal .

GMs place diamond-master on new accounts when tryharding, not gold. This wasn’t an MMR reset. This was a bug.


Stupidity is not a right.

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Confirmed it’s a bug:

Stop with the misinformation and the toxicity.

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I’ll tell you, what are they afraid of. They have to grind THREE ladders to get out of gold now. Gold*3 - too much even for a GM.

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Solo queued. Before RQ, seasons were typically low gold – one being a pain that caused a temporary drop to silver from a losing streak.

Support SR is close to diamond currently. Getting out of gold solo is very real.

What i am more worried about:
They made some adjustments to improve a bad system, that already placed to many accounts (off) roles faulty.
So i assume, working as a software engineer myself, should be tested real well, since it already went live bad a couple of times.
And then we got this very big, easy to test(see) bug???

Also in the past whenever someone complained about the gold elo, so the big difference in skill between players in gold. And that they had to carry almost every game at least 1 player who should not be in gold. But mostly even like 4 or 5 players that didn’t know basics. Feeding constantly, running in alone, tanks on attack with a broken W key. etc…
They always got the replay: if you cant carry 4-5 dummy players to a win you deserve to be in that rank. I can climb out of gold easily with feeding team members They are the same level as you, if you are better you should be able to carry them and climb etc…
(not saying this wasnt possible(i did it myself too), but it was damn hard, you needed lots of luck with games that had descent enough team members in a row, and lots of time to farm/grind games.

Now, because of the bug, high rank players actually had to carry 4 or 5 bad players too. Why for them this is a bug? And for all those people who are complaining about having to climb, while in lots of games they also had to carry 4 or 5 bad players, it is bad skill/not good enough?
Let them farm back to the top, like so many stuck in gold players had to do.
With lots of bad games with real stupid(no game knowledge) people you have to carry. With all the leavers, trolls, throwers and toxic people.

Yeah, for solo q players RQ is a bliss. Not for misplaced pro players.

The thought of Emongg in gold is sad

I played a game with a compression. The compression essentially put bronze in low gold and T500 in high plat. It took over three months to get our first GMs (top 1% tier). T500 would initially be diamond in such a scenario.

Note that was a compression. A full reset (everyone has default mmr) is much more insane and would take way longer to sort out.


I climbed out of gold in one evening on my alt. :man_shrugging:t3:

Yes but this argument cant be really used for anyone who is in his true rank. You were already higher on your main. So while he is gold player trying to climb from gold, you are idk diamond player trying to climb from gold. And thats something different. Yes it shows climbing is totaly possible, sure. I am just saying its much harder for someone who is not smurfing.

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True. Climbing on my main is slow. Not quite diamond.

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Eh, I can easily climb out of gold on support. I’d find it a bit harder on tank or damage, as support is my best role, but I’d still manage it since I’ve done it before a couple of times and spent most of my time playing in plat and more recently, diamond.

More like yes, you will drop back to gold sooner or layter if you have been there like year or two.

Don’t agree with ur opinions on this post but nice burn

Lets do a match & record it for Youtube .

Why are you making inane comments like this when if the system upheld, we’d see posts from you just 2 days later saying “Why is this game so unbalanced, I was placed 2800 and now the only people in gold are T500 smurfs ruining the game for us plat players, and now I’m stuck in silver because of it. Stop making new accounts to play against people in lower ranks and just let us climb to 4200.”

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