It's literally impossible to win a ranked game in solo queue

I used to play from 9-19 fps and stabilized in gold. Locked me from fps draining heroes such as dva. went to 75fps. got to 3300.


chills and shaking, messes up aim. complete hard commer and talker in solo q, but i crumble with people i know

And still doesn’t listen to any of the recommendations

This is untrue and you know it.

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Do I though? I’ve watched your gameplay for over a year now. I’ve watched you live, been in the discord calls spectating you (solo and in a team). I can fairly comfortably tell when you’re really putting your best foot forward and when you’re not.


answer form a cheater? a bronze player?

You’ll find codes. I hard one trick solo queue and can win matches. The odds are already stacked against me and I can still win.

There’s your proof.

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Not literally. It’s definitely harder as players have no incentive to cooperate with others.

The game is old and a lot of the more competitive-minded players are gone, particularly at lower ranks. You’re left with casuals who actually believe getting steamrolled is “fun” as long as they get to pick whatever hero they want and pretend they are playing the game properly.

It’s a roulette. Either you get cooperative teammates, or you get terrible teammates. Generally the lower your rank is, the less people care and the quicker they are to give up.

Players at higher ranks tend to try a bit harder because they don’t want to drop down. A t this point in the game, there are people who have been stuck at Bronze/Silver/Gold for 4+ years and they’ve lose all material motivation for improving or playing the game better. It’s all about the lulz for them.

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watches streamer solo queue

watches streamer win

There, you’ve been proven wrong


“Am I bad, and need to improve myself? No! It’s a conspiracy against me!”

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