It's literally impossible to learn a new character

You do realize that It’s possible to be better on one character than another. Also it’s not me afraid to lose sr, but me not wanting to hard throw on genji.

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You dont want to play comp but act like quick play is comp? Its quickplay. Everyone gets queued with everyone because IT DOESNT MATTER.

you DO learn from people who are better than you, you learn from your mistakes thats human nature. You get killed by a flanking genji? Reposition. You get killed from a hog? Dont stand in hook range. Your feeding? Stay with the team.

Theres no way that you DONT learn from getting rolled in qp.

Your stubborn mindset of “i cant learn with everyone being better than me” is stupid. Your always learning. And always getting better.

You can learn how to play a hero, but no how to play against other players. I’ve played hundreds of hours against AI (mostly in custom with me the only player) and it can be really frustrating. AI can throw, feed, go away from the point when overtime and waste ults. Also, AI can spot you even if it didn’t see you.

It is fine if you want to improve your aim, though.


Play QPC, that’s the mode for learning new heroes. You can do it

I’m literally learning Genji in QPC right now. Nobody is yelling at me when I mess up. Nobody cares

This is exactly what I was getting at. I can’t practice a character if I can barely make it out of the spawn room.

I deal with

  • Enemy smurfs who are strides ahead of everyone else and push my team back to our spawn.
  • Support players with god complexes that decide that if you ask for healing once or you aren’t doing what they want you to do, they just won’t heal you.
  • Friendly smurfs who don’t give people the chance to actually learn, they just go around and one shot the other team for an easy win.

Very rarely do I get a QP game where I can actually sit down and practice. It sucks.

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It might take some time (especially depending on the hero you are trying to play) but you’ll get there.

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This. AI is not good for learning a character in a real scenario. Vs AI is like telling someone to learn how to drive a car and then handing them a driving mower. There’s similarities but it’s not the actual situation, it’s not as helpful as people think.


For real on this, I spent a few hours on Ball for instance doing this before hitting live play, made all the difference in the world. I am appalled at the number of players who utterly refuse to educate themselves on how to play the character when there are videos all over YT on how to do combos and basic mechanics and techs. Then when you bring it up to them you get called “nerd” :roll_eyes:

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In order to learn something in any competitive game, you need to make that game your job but w/o payment. Your only payment for such a job is going to be the result. So 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, you grind the sheesh out of your mental, breaking yourself down unless you get results. And then you have fun and enjoy your results.

That’s just how it is at this stage of the game’s life cycle unfortunately. Even if there were no throwers and alts, the people playing right now are the dedicated ones who have stuck it through the game’s ups and downs. Everyone is better on average, so learning a new hero is going to be very hard. Only thing to really do is just keep grinding.

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I didn’t touch Ball until I was around level 400.

I hated the hero in every possible way.

I was roughly 1500SR on tank and still “new” to the game.

Then while talking to a co-worker found out he was a T-500 Ball main on PSN. He told me to learn Ball and Hog to climb. So I did. Through multiple Yeatle guides and ample time practicing in the AI, I began the mechanical journey that is Ball, I managed to climb to mid gold predominantly solo-queuing Ball/Hog. There was a bit of Zarya and Sigma in there as well, but all it took was about 2 seasons and 20ish hrs from the time I spent starting on Ball to achieving this feat (I don’t really play comp).

To this day Ball is my most played hero in PVP modes. He has the most time in QP and is close to the top of my comp roster. I credit the time I spent in AI for this. It’s an incredibly free environment to learn Ball tech. And I think that mostly applies to any hero, though hitscan dominant heroes are pretty braindead vs the AI.

Sure I know you can’t be good at all characters, but you also have a higher rank experience into low rank, gamesense of a higher rank is a huge advantage. I get you don’t wanna throw as Genji (you throw only if you play bad on purpose imho) but that’s the risk of comp

otherwise you will buy a new acc for each single hero?

So you don’t wanna throw and go on lower ranks to messup gamebalance for people who belong there for real… fair enough

it matter, this game is also casual and people STILL WANNA WIN not everyone need to read ‘‘ranked’’ to actually wanting to win. Stop forcing comp games on people throats.

true, if I play vs BETTER people who are in my rank for REAL , not from a master playin in gold because ‘‘is learning Genji’’, that will only teach me ‘stay away from comp’’

sure, plenty of room to improve when there is no game at all

ye , sure, being closed into spawn because each time I go out i can barely do anything. Man … learned a lot in those games… I learned the spawn layout. you learn from people BETTER than you on SAME rank than you.

You mean… Actually using the Training mode to practice mechanics? :o


You can’t complain about smurfs in qp because it only kinda tries to match you with people of your skill level. People are going to play the casual mode casually. You can absolutely learn new characters in comp SR isn’t real anyways.

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I don’t understand it now, but before RQ i didn’t want to destroy anybody else games while i learned DPS heroes. That’s why I have other accounts. that and different platforms.

genuinely thought about using comp as a platform for learning since it matches you with people closer to how you play, even tho smurfs do exist you still get a bit more of fair play in comp which makes it easier to learn on

It’s not gonna matter soon anyway. Just mess around. What you learn now will be void next year, presumably.

i’m well over 200 hours now so i thought i should update and say that i still agree with my og post - qp was hell all the way up to the shutdown. hopefully now in ow2 it’ll be better but i doubt it

baby me didn’t understand that game browser practice games existed which in hindsight could have helped me a lot .