Nerf their damage. 100000 HP tanks doing more damage than the dmg role.
Then Doom gets nerfed. D.VA will be the good pick. Mauga gets nerfed. This forum and balance is just this. Boring. It will get a point that everything will be bad, and we will have a Roadhog meta, and he gets nerfed as well. People just need to shut up about good characters and ask their trash heroes to be good as Hazard, Zarya etc.
You are forgetting the last part. After all these nerfs no one wants to play tank so people complain about queue times. Then Blizzard buffs tanks to fix it and we are back where we started.
They have to tweak their damage. They can’t have this huge amount of HP, CC, shields, one-shot combos, headshot reduction, and kill you with low TTK.
You can’t be in their LOS, can’t 1v1, can’t flank because you will get dived, vortex’ed, hooked, javelin’ed, punched, JQ’s knife. What do I have to do… The only healthy state is 6v6…
You mean the state where everyone but tanks has to wait 10 minutes for a match? Ya that’s not a viable state.
Welcome to 5v5 tank designs where they HAVE to be like this or else they not only wouldn’t work properly in the format but also no one would play them.
Nerf Ana and you got a deal
Easiest role to counter and most team dependant, i agree, would love for them to be in better state
6v6 can solve this, just saying. In 5v5 this will never be fixed.
Another day another cope post
It’s not that Tanks are doing more damage, it’s that doing damage on the Tank role is substantially easier to do than on the Damage-role.
Most Damage-role heroes don’t have area-effect damage, have to put up with barriers, and all sorts of defensive tools. Tanks don’t have NEARLY as many impediments as the Damage-role does.
Their damage is tweaked to the point that they can’t really tweak it down any further, other than very minor tuning.
6v6 will be worse.
It doesn’t have to be like this, but this is the solution to what they want from the Tank-role, and what templates they have been using since OW1’s launch.
That’s the Damage-role.
No, it can’t.
The real problem is a lot of tank have horrible designs for the direction the game is headed in.
Overwatch started out as 6v6 and with no restrictions. THE SECOND they decided to implement 2-2-2 they should have made significant changes to the kits that certain “tanks” (or who they assigned as tanks in 2-2-2) have so that they could properly fill their roles.
Instead we have a bunch of selfishly designed tanks who in turn are given range and/or damage or extremely potent movement abilities. If they want to keep 2-2-2 or 1-2-2, then the real problem is the tanks designs. Not merely a numbers game.
That’s this game right now, though… if you care so much about queer times then why don’t you advocate for tanks to be controlled by AI?
I also agree, if the developers actually cared about balance and hero design then tanks would have been significantly reworked on the move to 5v5. What we have now is the worst decision to try and fix the issue, where they just overtone every tank to make up for their weaknesses.
I get that this was a joke. But they did have an AI doomfist in that starwars spoof mode they did.
It was terrible. Blizzard can’t write good AI. All of their pve had worse enemy ai than Halo CE from over 20 years ago.
And that’s why GOATS is the only way to play in Open Queue. And it’s great.
Its really not but keep trying
this is only the cause because most their time theyre shooting another tank.
because their job is more about finishing kills than pure damage
Because the Ps are kind of an essential part of a PvP game.
I actually agree tanks shouldn’t be unstoppable juggernauts. Their abilities should focus on how to enable and encourage their teammates to succeed by taking damage and protecting them. But their primary focus seems to be just making them super dps heroes that are tanks by virtue of being OP.
I saw a Moira the other day with like 30k healing and their rein had 35k damage blocked…over 65k damage put into the tanks in a single game. Lol
I mean, theyre not are they?
You mean like most do now? Except players just expect the tank to do it all?