🙄 It's ironic

I think I’ve already covered this

Wait? So an enemy would use ultimates in a 6v5 when the Mercy is hiding? Just why? That alone is bad gameplay but let’s just say it happened. With the first fight, they can just build up there other ultimates again as they are winning the first fight. After all, we’re looking at atleast 2000-3000 ultimate charge available to be gained. In almost every situation, unless you and your team are potatoed, you’re going to have the ultimate advantage against the enemy Mercy’s team.

Adding on the what I previously said, if you wipe the enemy in the first fight, you’re going to notice that the Mercy is not there (you really should’ve noticed before but whatever). With that in mind, the ultimate shock is also gone meaning your mind and the rest of your team is going to be ready for the Res. This coupled with everything else mentioned, would make sort of pick insignificant (then again, getting picked in a 6v5 is very questionable unless the Mercy’s team didn’t use ultimates which again, if they did, would give you the ult advantage). All it takes is a 2 offensive ultimates on your side to win the fight if you’re down 1-2 teammates.

If they got that weakened to point where they lose a couple of teammates, use a bunch of ultimates and don’t force the enemy to use any of their ultimates, we really then would have to bring up their skill because that’s a lot of stuff to mess up in one fight.

Like I’ve said, the opposition against the hiding Mercy would still have the ult advantage, coupled with the other advantages such as positioning and first strike. I’d recommend reading the “Better explanation” subheading in my reply. It really does explain hiding and how it’s bad in good detail.

So then, the Mercy managed to survive during the fight and pulled of the res, cuz that’s what you seem to be describing. In that case, the Mercy deserved the res. This is the same for every other hero. If you don’t want them to use their ultimate to save their team, you have to kill them before or counter ult them.

Sounds like a skill issue rather than a Mercy issue tbh.

That’s because LĂșcio Zen synergies were widely used and Ana was way better. That being said, the buffs I’m referring to are more to do with Resurrect. In the developer comments for the buff in question, they acknowledged that Mercy’s kept dying after ressing which basically lost that fight regardless of the fact that the res was executed.

Meanwhile, I still remember “Can you swap to Ana, LĂșcio or Zen”. Then there’s the fact that she was almost never used in pro play and finally, again, the devs acknowledged how crap Mass Res was.

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There’s not a single button in the game that does this reliably with no option of counterplay.

Mercy’s mass ress could consistently ress at least 3-4 people sometimes even your entire team.

It was taken away because you could quite literally trade 1 ult for 2-3 of the enemy team’s ults.

Rewarding people for dying is sh!t design.


After reading everything in this thread you have written my conclusion is this.

“ALL damage dealer ultimate’s require more the just a single button press. Every single time they are used 100% of the time.”

Skreaw -paraphrased-

“Mercy can get a 5 player resurrection every single time she is on the field, regardless of what everyone else is doing or who they are playing.”

Skreaw -paraphrased-

Are you even remotley aware that for Mercy to resurrect an entire team, they all must be dead. You speak fervently about how each damage dealer has to have, without fail, help to secure their ultimate. Which is false by the way. Somehow though Mercy just gets 5 person resurrects every single team fight.

This is the same argument each and every time from someone who, simply put, couldn’t play against Mass Resurrect. It wasn’t a Mercy problem it was a YOU a problem.


It needed a rework, rather than a complete removal, and it rewards the Mercy for not dying, and punishes DPS or anyone else that can’t kill a Mercy before she gets the rez off. Stop swearing, btw, even obscured it’s still against forums ToS.

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In what world is a dps killing 5 people with a press of a button balanced?

How is that wrong?

Never said that she she got a 5 man res every time, but they were a thing and not a perticularly rare.

Again, how is “dps dps can’t get a 5k by simply pressing a button” false?

This has nothing to do with the inability to play against mercy. It’s about the fairnes of the ability. Typical argument from someone who can’t even explain his pow, just call someone else bad.

In the same world where Needles learns to read past the first 3 responses to the post.

It’s 4 am so i’ll write an asnwer tommorow.

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Mercy’s Mass Res does have counterplay though
 Counterplay isn’t just the ability to kill her to cancel her ultimate. It can also be what you do proceeding the fight. Otherwise, I could just go around saying Zen’s transcendence has no counterplay because it literally can’t be cancelled either.

That isn’t an issue with mass Resurrect. That’s an issue with Resurrect in general.

If the Mercy didn’t hide, it means you didn’t kill the Mercy. If you don’t kill the enemy main healer, you won’t get too far in terms of climbing up ranks. That and, you’re acting as if getting 3-4 man resses were a breeze when the reality is, most will not just die in a pile next to each other and most will not just all die at the same time. They’ll likely get staggered deaths which makes it exponentially harder to Res them all. Then there’s the simple fact that tempo ressing was easier to do as it involved doing nothing to change your gameplay but rather, just stay alive.

Edit: Also forgot to mention, and this is more related to “Hide n Res, most of the time Mercies fly to their dead teammates to Res and then try to reposition themselves to get as many people ressed as possible. This time window gives the enemy one of the best opportunities to kill the Mercy and win that fight easily. Yes, the Mercy will still have her ult but you have your ults from the fight you just won and if you could easily do what you did previously to either come up with the same result or the Mercy will just Res less people.


I’m in a bit of a habit of lurking around the forum just for the fun of it, but I’ve been referenced 4 times in this thread, and some statements just stick out at me. There are some assertions on these forums that illustrate a complete and utter absence of knowledge on a subject in which the speaker is trying to appear knowledgeable or well-versed.

This is one of those assertions.

Mercy always was popular, prior to her rework anyway, but the story of her actual viability is a completely different tale.

So Mercy was meta for a little bit prior to Ana’s introduction


But spoiler alert: That’s the last time she’ll ever be meta until her rework.

The patch introducing Ana hits, and we get
 a Lucio/Zenyatta support meta:

And from here on out, Mercy never breaks D-Tier (or Tier 4).

Ana gets buffed, and Season 2 becomes the Deathball/Beyblade Meta, in which the optimal supports are Ana and Lucio.

Season 3 is dominated by the infamous Triple-Tank Meta, in which the lead supports were once again Ana and Lucio. What’s happening to Mercy at this time? The pros and high-tier ladder won’t touch her. She’s F-Tier; a “troll-pick”, if you will. Yet, she somehow has an 11% pickrate in both Quickplay and Competitive play. This is the highest pickrate in the game overall, but she is literally dead last of the healers when looking at Diamond+ pickrates.

Season 4 hits, and we get a bit of a shake-up with significant nerfs to Ana and D.Va, ending the Triple-Tank Meta. Mercy receives her invulnerability buff, which launches her all the way from F-Tier to


There is never really a solidified Meta in season 4; it’s a “fluid Meta”. Mercy’s overall pickrate rises to 12% in Quickplay and around 13% in Competitive (14% on a good day). Yet, she still falls behind every other healer in high ranks.

Fast forward to season 5, and we begin to see the Mercy complaints. People begin proclaiming her overpowered, when the last change to her occurred three months prior. The Dive Meta has taken over, which heavily favors mobility. Can you guess who the meta supports were?

Lucio and Zenyatta.


Look at that; Ana is still in a higher tier than Mercy.

Is the significance of that lost to you? Let me reiterate that.

Mercy is the HIGHEST she ever has been or ever will be prior to her rework.

Ana is the LOWEST she has ever been from the end of season 1 TO DATE. This is 60 damage/shot Ana.


And Ana is outperforming Mercy in pro play. Mercy is still D-tier.

But don’t take it from me; take it from Jeff Kaplan himself:

"But looking at Competitive only
 here are the top 6 picked heroes: Mercy (by a long shot), 76, D.Va, Lucio, Ana and Genji. Interestingly, number 7 is Reinhardt. Next tank after that is
 no Roadhog. So in the past month in Comp, that’s what you’ve been actually playing.

But let’s talk about the elite players
 maybe the top 3rd of all MMR. Their top picked hero over the past month was
. Ana. Yes, Ana."

July 7th, 2017.

So there’s your answer. After Ana’s introduction, Mercy literally never broke D-Tier until her rework. She was, for lack of a better term, a trash pick.

Alright, I’m outta’ here.


It didn’t need a rework, Mercy needed a rework and she did get one.


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I’m not telling you to be a prude,lol, I’m telling you because I used “af” and a moderator friggin edited my post and said it was “profanity.” :joy_cat:

Also, you just say “she needed a rework,” but what she got was a complete overhaul, call it what it is. Had the devs treated her like they treat characters now, they’d have tinkered with mass rez for a bit, instead of removing it entirely. Stop pretending there wasn’t a huge bias coming from the devs concerning her. She’s not rly very fun anymore, I basically stopped playing her because they would not stop nerfing her, again, for two years straight, and she’s still not as fun as she used to be. They’ve kind of done the same thing to Sombra over the years, and Symmetra. Every time one of these characters becomes “too fun” they get hit with the nerf bat.

Cool, you know what Mercy’s current niche is.

If you don’t want to play her like that then don’t play her at all.

You don’t see Torbjorn players whining that they can’t go on the flank and assassinate supports like a Tracer or Doomfist. Why do support players whine about how their hero of choice has to be played?

There’s other healers you can pick if you don’t like Mercy.

Sorry, but you can’t play her as pocket healer. Because, you know, there are other players in need of healing. And you have two healers max
so no pocketing.

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I don’t understand this as a point, ever. Somehow it’s okay for a DPS to stop DPS’ing and hide for a chunk of time while looking for that sweet team kill, but it wasn’t okay for a support to stop support while looking for a sweet team rez. People have explained it to me before, but I still don’t see how it’s different. I’ve watched Reapers with ults hide for a solid minute while they’re waiting to surprise the enemy team. I’ve seen McCrees hide, I’ve seen Junks hide (not just to not die, but for a long time before they actually ult), etc. etc.

Why wasn’t it okay for a support to stop doing their job, but it’s more than okay, in fact almost encouraged, for a DPS to stop doing their job so they can ult??

I’m just piggybacking on what you said, not necessarily directing this at you specifically!


Because supports are expected to be in predictable place, near their team, so they can be targeted and killed. Every time supports manage to stay one step ahead of DPS, players get upset.


LOL don’t tell Mercy players what to do??? She’s not a pocket healer, get over yourself??? Jeeeeeze.

Being a pocket healer for a DPS like Pharah is her job currently.

If you don’t like her job then don’t play her.

Complaining about not liking a hero’s playstyle and expecting that hero’s playstyle to change for you, instead of just picking another hero is nonsensical.

You’re the ones who should get over yourselves. If you don’t like how Mercy is played, just don’t pick her. It’s common sense.

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LOL who died and made you Daddy Overwatch? DO NOT TELL MERCY PLAYERS WHAT TO DO. Tell it to my Mercy PotG’s as a non-pocket healer,lol

So Mercy is only an accessory. Please tell me what other characters are only “accessories to other characters”. If that is the case, then I guess she does need buff. She’s not a necklace for Pharah/Ashe, and if that’s the only way you see her, then she really DOES need buffs.

I’ve always thought she was fine, but if you think this is truly the only way she’s viable, then she needs to be fixed immediately. I don’t think any heroes are meant to be merely an “accessory” to a big strong DPS