"It's High Noon"

That’s not unique, you can survive a literal NUCLEAR EXPLOSION by doing that in this game.

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Yes, it’s called zoning. That’s not wasting your ult.


yep, doesn’t feel like ult, just like a minigame, same with D.va ult, but at least that one can move so you aren’t always safe from it

Mercy is slowed by 75% while casting rez.

Maybe you’re right, while casting these abilities, let them move faster over time. I’d really like a full speed aerial rez over a tank’s head.

What’s the point of the lock-on then?

here i have one to add to the list

32 - the map

forgot about that one, ty

ah yes… the infinite range team utility grenade that actually helped more people than just the cassidy

i love completely selfish anti dive button that doesnt even last long enough to hit anybody at close-mid range

the only bonus being that you can hinder multiple people simultaneously, but in order to do that you have to be within arms length and will probably die instantaneously after

ult is a little better so it’s not as easy to LOS. Lazy as hell approach, should have gave him a new ultimate he could aim during

Mag nade was far stronger having range, it worked well with the slow, now flashbang is useless against most tanks not having CC. They need to bring back CC or just give us mag nade back

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this iteration of flashbang is useless in general. the only time you ever get to use it is when you or your buddies are being dived on, and also you have to be way too close to the enemy to even hit them with it, and cassidy is not a super close range hero, strictly close-mid and mid range. (yea he has fan fire but it doesnt work too good when shooting skinny, hypermobile hitbox). unless you are hiding behind your one tank, it is hard to find any non-selfish value for it


Yeah it’s useless in most situations, only better against Tracer/ Ball

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I feel like it’s one of those ults you should have teamwork with. I only ever see Cassidys go for a deep flank alone, ult, and die. They never wanna combo with anyone.

32 - Mercy flies away while saying “No”

i like asking my sigma, winton, or zarya for a quick shield pocket and just staring menacingly at the enemy

if its a roadhog, ramattra, or orisa i just sit behind their fat body and the enemy wont even know what hit them

theres also the funny lucio speedboost combo that is absolutely amazing, especially if he stands in front like a safety car to tank all of the cc

You got unlucky when 31 heroes decided to counter you at the same time.

Bastion’s grenade is a form of mobility.

Yeah, good luck trying to use that to escape getting shot.

Also, unlike Junkrat, Bastion takes damage when he uses his explosive to ‘jump’ (the only time he didn’t was during the Mirrorwatch event), so that could lead you to killing yourself if you tried to use it to escape while getting shot at.

yea but unlike mr west he can use it to jump over things without needing to ramp off of something, and it launches him really far

It actually doesn’t.

You can launch… a distance. But you have to be really precise with the timing and placement of yourself and the grenade (Bastion’s grenade is not like Junkrat’s explosive charge), and that’s just not feasible when you’re in the middle of a fight. It won’t help you evade damage, it won’t get you out of an unwinnable fight.

Where as Cassidy’s roll can be used to move into cover, quickly dive off ledges, or move out of or into buildings to evade ultimate abilities, especially those that rely on line of sight or have an AoE effect. Orisa and Sigma’s ults both come to mind as Cassidy can quickly roll out of them. D.VA’s ult can be evaded by rolling behind a pillar or another form of cover to block the damage, it can even be used to get out of the way of the enemy Cassidy’s High Noon or Hanzo’s dragon shot.

you can also roll to survive the ultimate itself but not as much so since the damage reduction was reduced from 75% to 50%

they are both used for different situations so its hard to say which one is better than the other, especially since bastion can use it to return to high ground and cass can use it to dodge/tank

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