Its a mercy Buff thread! HELL YES

Make her do 60-70 hps on targets who haven’t taken damage in 3 seconds. I don’t think she should flat out do more healing.


anything that involves removing and replacing rez

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think they should just go back to launch Mercy.

I think she just needs more engaging options and less beam-ing. Make the swap between pistol/staff faster. Stop valk from disconnecting your current beam. Let her set her staff sens different from her pistol sens. etc.

I don’t think she really needs a burst heal since her theme is consistency.

Maybe an option like Symm had where she can choose to rez or use an aoe heal (maybe gives her teammates in range a self-regen over time like she has. 15hps for 3 seconds or 10hps for 5 seconds idk how to balance ok)

but then maybe i’d feel less guilty for ever using her pistol or not rezzing . More multitasking and choices 4 mercy to make pls

Mass Rez Mercy was already niche with how ineffective MR was at higher ranks or against people who knew how to simply counter it with staggering.

Launch Mercy was worse because THAT was the one with the actual suicide button. There were no I-frames and most of the time Mercy legit sacrificed herself to pull it off.

MR just wouldn’t work with how the game is now. Not unless they go back to like a season before OWL and took it in an different direction.

Let Mercy dual-wield her staff and pistol during Valk (just like her highlight intro).

Give her a beam mouse button that combines both healing and damage boost, and let the other mouse button be the pistol.

Now the infinite ammo might actually be worth something.

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Given that I see Mercy as being in an excellent state at the moment, i do not see her as needing any of this

Short, but incredibly deadly.

Being able to cleanse status effects like anti-heal, freeze, and hack would be extremely useful and provide much-needed counterplay to the abilities. It would also let Mercy help a single ally escape “trap ults” like Earthshatter, Graviton and Gravitic Flux.

I feel it’s neccesary to re-iterate that this would be packaged with a “status recovery time boost” effect added to damage boost. It would not only make the timers of duration-based effects (e.g. anti-nade) shorter, it would also make stuns wear off faster.

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The changes to Mercy I’d like to test out (plz Blizz, give us all the stats about each hero in-game and let us change the numbers to be exact in the custom game maker, not just percents like currently).


Caduceus Staff

  • Healing increased from 50 to 55 per second


  • Cast-time reduced from 1.75 to 1.5 seconds
  • Movement speed during cast increased from 25% to 35%
  • Cool-down reduced from 30 to 28 seconds
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted due to distance from the target


  • Duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
  • Resurrect cast-time reduced from 1.5 to 1 second
  • Regeneration passive self-healing increased from 20 to 25 per second
  • Caduceus Staff healing increased from 60 to 75 per second
  • Caduceus Staff damage boost increased from 30% to 35%

Bug Fixes

  • Mercy can no longer strangely propel herself into the air vertically after flying to a teammate
  • (Any other bugs if there are any found)

My comments: Mercy’s overall damage & healing output throughout a match was a bit low, so she now heals some more. Resurrect often feels too clunky and having it cancel itself sometimes when you try to use the ability feels bad for the player. Knock-backs are on such low cool-downs compared to Resurrect on many characters and some are even able to be used at long range, making Resurrect uninterruptible due to distance from the target fixes these issues. Valkyrie doesn’t feel as impactful as it should be considering it’s an ultimate ability. Valkyrie’s duration has been reduced and the strength of the ultimate increased to have a bit more immediate impact while still being one of the longer-lasting ultimate’s.

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Mercys current state is excellent, and as such, these changes arent needed

The main example that solidifies my desire to see Mercy buffed is when I’m playing against a Doomfist and he uses his slam + uppercut combo on an ally. There is literally nothing Mercy can do to help that ally, the character is locked in Doomfist’s combo, they cant avoid the damage themselves and Mercy’s healing isn’t enough to mitigate the damage from the combo and they die. It sucks. You are completely reliant on the enemy doomfist missing one of his shots in the combo.

Brig can stun and boop him, Ana can sleep/potentially outheal the combo, Moira can absolutely outheal the combo, Lucio can boop him away, Baptiste can Immortality Field and (I think) potentially out-heal it as well. The only other healer that can’t do much is Zen but even then he can trans to save the ally if need be. The only thing Mercy can hope to do is Rez the target after they have died and to be honest I would rather have a way to prevent my ally from dying in the first place.

Zen you don’t “outheal” that you Discord and out DPS the Doom. Remember Zen’s are extremely dangerous with their DPSing.

Valkyrie is suppose to have a low ult charge because it isn’t very impactful in comparison to other ultimates.

even with a healing buff, the ultimate charge doesn’t need to be altered.

Its just with more healing she will gain ulti faster. They would lower it so it stays about the same.

Well yeah I thought about that but the chances of a Zen killing a doomfist before Doomfist kills the ally you’re trying to save are a bit slim. Especially if you aren’t expecting it and can’t charge up your right click in time.

Also let’s be honest, Zen is often times the first person to be targeted by Doom’s combo so he tends to be the “ally” I was talking about in most cases lol

well it’s just been upped by 12%, which is almost reverting the -15% ult charge buff they made previously. so if they did buff her healing, it would go back to where it was before the latest patch when people did not complain about the speed.

mercy doesn’t need buffs. the other healers need nerfs.

and the dps need also nerfs.

and then we have a decent overwatch.

i want an alternate e abilty (shares the same 30s CD, and usable when theres no rez target in range) that gives 60hps for a duration

also pls give us BigMainLittleChains

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Yea. Mercy’s not viable enough. Let’s put her back in number one. I can’t seem to climb any other way, so an overpowered mercy should do the trick.

People are just so caught up in the “Healing Done” stat that all logic goes out the window

Just because she does a lot of healing over time doesn’t mean that that healing means anything

Moira, Ana and Brig can easily keep multiple people alive at a time
Mercy often struggles to keep one person alive at a time
Even in her ultimate (P.S, Valkyrie was only buffed to 60hps because 50hps was so trash it couldn’t keep people alive and it still barely keeps people alive even with 60hps)