It takes a community to get to Masters and I need your help

suh dude

it’s me Bro.

Currently back at Platinum 3.

I’ve flirted with Diamond plenty of times and will confess,

I need your help.

be a bro for once and wingman me cus I’m going back at it again.

I need your tips and advice on how to get out of Platinum as Hanzo.

You can help me in this way:

  1. Tell me what Hero you are (please be specific with the hero)
  2. and let me know what you think a Hanzo as your teammate should be doing to help you win the match AS your hero.
  3. and/or, let me know what you HATE the most about what your Hanzo does that YOU feel causes you to lose the match.

Don’t bother telling me to swap. Baka. it is impossible.

how can i swap when…

… … …

I am Hanzo

-Bro (Hanzo)

P.S. I am genuinely and sincerely asking. Thank you in advance. I do look forward to reading every message, if there are any.

P.S.S. I do, however, suspect it might be the sake… say it ain’t so…


I want to know the tips/advice as if you were a specific hero.

As if you were playing Rein or Zarya or Zenyatta or Mei, etc., I would like that specific perspective on what you would want your Hanzo to be doing.

For example:

  1. Reinhardt
  2. I expect Hanzo to clear high ground for me BEFORE i engage my charge.
  3. or, I hate nothing about Hanzo. He is my brother. (jk, answer your own here)
  1. Doesn’t matter, you can otp any char to masters.
  2. Win duels, pressure tank with storm arrows, scout corners with sonic arrow, use wall climb to take high ground, combo dragon with other ults, use dragon to zone out obective.
  3. Lose duels and die first.

Is there any more to it then that?

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made an edit.

I want to know the tips/advice as if you were a specific hero.

As if you were playing Rein or Zarya or Zenyatta or Mei, etc., I would like that specific perspective on what you would want your Hanzo to be doing.

For example:

  1. Reinhardt
  2. I expect Hanzo to clear high ground for me BEFORE i engage my charge.
  3. or, I hate nothing about Hanzo. He is my brother. (jk, answer your own here)

The game is way too situational to give numbered and specific advice like that, but what I want from my Hanzo as a team mate (regardless of my character) is to get picks at the start of fights or if he is unable to do that, I need him to provide constant pressure on the enemy via consistent damage and the threat of being 1 shot if they leave cover and push.

Does that help?

  1. Any hero, my expectations are pretty much the same for a Hanzo
  2. Just get picks and flank sometimes. If you aren’t gonna swap then I expect you to perform even if heavily countered. If not I’ll probably avoid you and then lose to you in the next game. But I’ll still leave you on avoid on principle. As a Ball main I eat Hanzos for breakfast.
  3. Don’t be toxic and try not to feed too often, especially when it really matters. Also don’t have a 2 digit IQ.

Dont get that dragon ate by diva or sigma ect…

It does. I am looking for more Role based perspective type advice. If you were a and you’re having a hard time with another hero or whatever, and you have a Hanzo, what would you like your Hanzo to do in those moments of YOU being your hero?

i get the expectations :slight_smile:

i’m asking for if you were a specific hero.

I dig it. Little hamster makes me sweat like i’m running on a wheel

Let’s say you’re hamster and you have a Hanzo on your team. Let’s say your opponent is Sombra. What would you want your Hanzo to do?


but you know likes to eat my dragon

Combo your ult. Dont blow it.

Zaryas always blow grav, either early or without grouping

Dont just spam tank. Poke the heals, even if you cant elim them, poke them so they go away for a bit or are forced to heal each other. When their healing pressure is low, THEN slam the tank.

Sonic arrows busted. Up literally 50% of game. Give us sights.

Edit if im heal, stay in my sights or not far from it. If youre flanking in narnia, better make it work. Call to your team “im flanking” so those bozos actually pinch with you whether you get a pick or not.

If im main tank defining our frontline…would you kindly stop jumping way beyond frontline? If you die we have to regroup, and i understand youre trying to extend to get a pick, but surely there are less risky ways to get a pick…

And positioning. Stop standing where soldier is. Or where ana is. Random shots dedicated to you, that you strafe out of, may just hit them instead.


sonic arrow the corners, engage the other long range dps, or force the support to move into a position that is more suitable for genji to attack

only shoots shields and misses the side of the barn

that’s a great way to frame it. i do it inadvertently, but this word frame will help me remember to do it more intentionally. thankss

yes good point

that’s something i need to consider more often in-game. interesting to see how a tank would feel when i do that in front of my tank.

i’ll be the bait, you hook the fish little brother

Do you prefer fishing on the same side of the river for supps or when I’m across the river to push them your way?

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you have the mind of a sponge and are probably way better than me at hanzo.
i started as otp hanzo, simply because i liked him.
300 hours-or-so in, i got tired of getting flamed, and we needed a tank,

and i sucked at Rein (the only real tank at the time), so i picked up dva. (ths was before role queue, we could just swap to whatever)

and then i often found our healing stunk. and my team were flaming. so i picked up Ana to shoot my own teammates lol.
Now i have too many hours in this game and honestly should have spent that time starting a business or something. oh well…So anyway, point is, my perspective is from all roles, holistic.

wishing you good fortune, and gainz. I respect your journey of self education.

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Thank you for the tips and kind words.

Unfortunately during my last attempt to hit Diamond, I got kicked from the start of a match and my account got suspended.

on my 3rd account. got multiple bans with all chat off, otp’ing torb. happens to us all.

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Dang Bro, even I feel bad about that. Even happened to me, so I know how that feels. Giving some warm thoughts and wishes for ya.

stop right there… do you really think hanzo deserves to be played in any rank above silver…?

Kiriko. You should be swapping off Hanzo. Jokes aside, one-tricking is a bad idea. I can play the entire support roster. You really shouldn’t be on Hanzo when there are fliers. I swap off Kiri if my team needs help killing fliers.

Back when I played I would tank with Ball and Rein mainly.

When I’m ball I want you to spam arrows into the person I piledrive since they’re in the air easy target.

When I’m rein I want you to spam arrows into the person I charge OR help peel for me with arrow spam when the enemy tank is pressing me unless I already have someone peeling for me (brig etc). That goes for any tank I play, if I don’t have someone who can peel for me HANZO spam arrows it the peel.

Every hero deserves this.

And if there is any player that’s earned the right through effort, commitment and attitude it is Bro.