It seems the creators discord were the devs chat with streamer youtubers seem to be behind all the changes

The issue is that with heroes that are designed to be for newcomers, they need to be bad at the high ranks in order to keep the competitive integrity

Then that gets people upset since they suck the higher you get and they want them to be good at higher tiers

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Dude you have 4 posts, youā€™re not discussing this in good faith if youā€™re asking those questions.


Rank shame? What the hell are you talking about? I just said that Sombra was too strong at a professional level and worthless everywhere else. Calm down, bruh.

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Iā€™m just asking, it would make sense if you are super low to not understand the game. Not rank shaming itā€™s just some people dont understand the game.

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Youā€™re looking at icons, not the names of replies. That response was to Pupo, not you.


I literally understand it better than Samito (and you), and have demonstrated as much. Then again, thatā€™s not that hard to do. His understanding of the game is very average at the absolute best.

My bad, I got a notification right as it appeared. Rofl. I need to change this back to something less common.


Who cares how many posts I have? This guy said his gold teammates have the same game sense, positioning, and aim as samito. Come on man

Rank means nada in this game, as evident from the bigger players running to valorant just to rank low in their comp. Overwatch is one of the most forgiving games with a comp scene.


No, I didnā€™t. I said that rando Quick Play Classic teammates play with as much skill as Samito, often more. If youā€™re going to argue against what I said, at least actually use what I said.

You just not gonna answer the question I asked or what?

Quite clearly not. Why would you push this? Game knowledge and experience is independent of SR, theyā€™re just part of the package.

Yeah I forgot all the bronze people that know the game better than top 500, my bad.


Thatā€™s the thing. Overwatch is a laughingstock in terms of being an actual competitive game, much less an ā€œesport.ā€ Thereā€™s a reason why itā€™s struggled. The gameplay doesnā€™t make for a good esport and the skill is so low, you might as well say ā€œIā€™m a top-tier Fortnite player.ā€ It means nothing.

All that before the worst matchmaking in the business, riddled with abuse, removes any last shreds of competitive integrity.

Case in point: Watch Samito play. Apparently, this moron is considered a ā€œtop-tierā€ player. But heā€™s awful. Bad game sense, bad positioning, average mechanics. Heā€™s literally no better than a decent Quick Play player, and often Iā€™ve seen players who were far better than him in QPC. If thatā€™s what is considered ā€œhigh-level playersā€ in Overwatch, thereā€™s a reason why the game doesnā€™t get any competitive credibility.


Well Iā€™m Gold and Iā€™ve literally had to explain mechanics and interactions to Masters and Diamond players so yeah, it means nothing.

Even less when it comes to game design which is completely separate again.


Read the guys last post and tell me you think he is serious. Idk what else to say

Iā€™m familiar with their posts and their rank. Itā€™s funny to watch you keep pushing this because itā€™s all you can do to try to undermine them.


I asked if you think he is serious. The part where he is an average player

And also wondering what did you tell to a masters level player? Just kinda hard to believe

Or Iā€™m sorry what mechanics did you explain