It’s not the community that is scary, it’s reverse

If anyone is wondering what Titanium said that got him suspended, here you go:

[Devs, feel free to remove link if you find it to be against CoC or something along those lines]


This is why we can’t have nice things…

Support response:

“We’ve looked into this matter and deemed the correct actions were taken, this ticket is now closed”

Guarantee it.

blizzard doesn’t care about community opinion and proved it every time they could

Infact forum would be way cleaner if they stated that they don’t care instead of pretending they do, people would complain about stuff less if they knew blues don’t give a dam

Basically. It was just more and more, “LEs coPy anD PAstE CoC wHeNEveR wE waNt tO avoiD thE QuesTiOn”.

Amen to this! Let’s blame the big guy, it can’t ever be the fault of the community for actling like entilted spoiled brats, nooooo, it can’t be. It has to be Blizzard’s fault.

90% of the complains are from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Give a microphone to a child, he’ll scream in it for hours.

The community on the forums is starting to annoy me more and more every day, I think I should avoid coming here for a few weeks, too much non sense and toxicity.

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I don’t blame blizzard I blame the community tbh… I had an argument with one Mercy main which they said “git gud” so I responded with a statement that ended with “no you git gud” and probably every freaking Mercy player opposing to my opinion spam flagged me to oblivion until I got silenced for 15 days.

Funny thing is that person that said it first had their comment still up there until i pointed it out in my apeal while mine was removed so yeah mods can silence over small things but the community are the ones that get offended and spam flag causing such actions to happen.

Because they are mercy spammers.

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coming from you mostly

Nope, not falling for your bait. I don’t know why but people loooooooove to try and bait people with low effort content on this forum.

Sometimes we gotta complain about the important thing’s such as how many bugs doomfist has at the moment or how reins shatter was not fixed completely.

So yeah, we gotta scream for hours just so they can notice us instead of OWL.

Yeah some Mercy mains are kinda… “extra”. Well it’s not just Mercy mains but peoples attitude in general, can’t blame one group because of one person.

Pointing out the bugs using the bug forum is perfectly fine. Spamming 20 topics per day about nerf X or buffing/reverting Y when it’s a vocal minority that keeps doing that is not fine.

The worst part is the actual worthy posts about bugs or good suggestions offered by someone who’s very knowledgable are dilluted down by pointless spam about topics that have been overly discussed.

Edit: Thinking a bit more about it and I’m really reminded of some SJW when I see the forums now :

  • vocal minority
  • victim card
  • blaming people in charge
  • mob mentality
  • emotions/feelings instead of facts