I’ve climmed quite a bit lately. Been mainly a tank/healer main for the last passed seasons before rolque was introduced before that a diamond dps. But because of a bad pc (I was playing on a laptop with 50/70 fps max) ive dropped alot. In roleque is was placed 2700 ish with dps and now my aim is on point again ive climbed to 3050 again, and still climbing. So yea if your good enough and make the right plays/callouts you will deffinantly climb
one booster/smurf on another part of the world can’t stop laughing. You cant just accept that fact, you are reaching your skill ceiling wen you go 50/50. Thats mathematically means your impact is not enough to carry matches, you play like you belong here. Or you are not playing enough to get a good sample of matches. Imagine what will happends if you reach diamond, no performance sr there at all, imagine to reach top500, where you need to have 65% winrate to not drop down at skill rating.
No one can carry a match any more. Each player has a small percentage of the load. If one player can’t carry their weight the whole team gets brought down.
Oh…I guess Ima god. Can litteraly move backwards whole game at your elo and win games.
Tanks and support carry a lot more load than dps. They get a lot more value than dps just because of how overpowered they are.
This may have been the case early on in the game’s life but nowadays It cannot possibly give an even match because there are so many smurfs in game.
If it makes you feel good to believe that, more power to you. If you decide you want to climb, then work on improving yourself and stop looking for external factors to blame. It’s proven to work.
no the game puts you up against people you have a 50% win chance against, you won’t get impossible games just to keep your winrate low. who even came up with this?
and guess what, if you manage to be at a rank and you are at a 50% winrate, hm what could that mean?
if they aren’t you will have a higher winrate until you get to where you belong.
it’s that easy. it’s so basic i can’t wrap my head around how people fail to understand a ranking system so simple…
Find a coach and learn how to improve. I can help you with that, let me know if you are interested.
Not true.
You probably developers bad habbits keeping you lower.
The way you going to rank up in overwatch is actually looking at your desision making and looking at how your abilities can impact the game overall when people say you cant carry in overwatch you can it’s a load of BS that people think you cant.
Best video iv found that when I implemented I skyrocket up t
The way the system works which a lot of people probably doesn’t know about is when you start to win games, the system will then start to throw you into games with people that have lost a lot. In hopes of bringing them out of their loss cycle. This is really a terrible design as the games it puts you into are so bad it’s extremely if not impossible to carry your team out of.
do you have a source for that?
NARRATOR: He did not have a source for that
I don’t think climbing is impossible nor do i believe the system is “rigged” However it is broken. The competitive game see’s an excess of Smurfs Or Boosters in ranks from Gold -Diamond who should be masters or higher and their presence tips the balance of matches rather poorly.
Regardless of what side they are on they destroy the system of even matchmaking by exploiting placements to intentionally place lower then they should be and use skills that are of a higher level than what the rank they plat at is. It doesn’t matter what team their on yours or the enemies because them playing down there in such an overwhelming abundance (at least 1-3 games shows 1) ruins the matchmaker for everyone who plays in those ranks.
Lol i’ve climbed all my roles like 3-400 sr combined in the past week but ok. The solution is just get good and know who to play when
I went to Overbuff and compared my Moira stats to some high-ranked Moira players. I’m currently at ~2300, peaked around 2900 a few seasons ago. Moira rank in Overbuff is 80%, and I compared my stats to the #20 and #31 Moiras, who are 4300 and 3900 SR respectively.
If the difference between Gold, Master, and GM were as big as people claim, then there should be a commensurate difference in stats, right?
False. Take a look:
The KDRs are within 0.4 of each other. Most stats are very close, and no one has definitively superior stats. The Master player actually looks superior to the GM player, stat-wise. The only major difference is in healing output, but that’s a direct result of teammate quality. In Gold you can’t be a healbot; you often have to make up for superbad DPSers, and in most matches there is more value in purple than yellow. A healed potato is still a potato.
OK, let’s try 1000 SR above me, in Diamond. That would be the #84 Moira. 1000 SR should show in the stats, right? False:
I dominate every stat except healing, and again – that’s a result of bad DPSers. I’ve had plenty of 13k/10min healing (or higher) matches… and plenty of matches where if I don’t do some damage, no one else will. One-sided stomps in either direction always have low HPS. I always start out doing more healing than damage, but if the DPS is bad, I have to adjust my playstyle to make up for it. Likewise if the tanks and DPS are really good, then there shouldn’t be much to heal. In Gold, when I heal more, I lose more. That’s Gold Life. When I was in Plat, damage:healing was almost always 1:3 on good matches, 2:3 on ugly wins.
Yes, there’s room for improvement. There always is. But the difference among ranks is not even close to being as stark as the trolls like to claim. You could put me at least 1000 SR higher right now and no one would be able to tell that I was Gold this morning.
Post a vod… Maybe we can help
I have better stats in my beer hockey league than more than 50% of the NHL players, doesn’t mean i’m better than them lol
It’s important to remember that the skill ranking is 100% relative, and the community is constantly improving as months go by. If you improve at the same rate, you won’t climb anywhere.
Help with what? You can’t improve my KDR – look at it. You can’t stop my Hanzo and Junkrat teammates from surging ahead of the tank, dying, then trickling and dying repeatedly, nor can you make them do enough damage to use an ult before the round is over. You can’t stop my Rein from charging beyond the range of my Fade. You can’t stop the aimbotting widow from headshotting me when Rein drops his shield to Firestrike. You can’t make my Dva / Roadhog tank duo switch.
You can’t help me with anything.
I’m perfectly capable of improving on my own. My point – which pervades this entire thread – is that improving doesn’t rank you up, it just gives you harder matches within the same rank. Improving too much can actually make you lose SR. When there is a large enough population of accounts that are trying to smurf, boost, or cheat their way from low ELO to GM, they all end up holding each other in limbo around Gold.