It is braindead easy to fix this game

Remove tanks from Deathmatch.
Do not stack stuns.
Have all breakable objects break on touch.
Simple QOL changes like “Having Highlights on the front menu screen”

These common sense changes where the devs had 8 years now to implement are still not in place.

Low priority mode, not going to happen.

You already can’t.

Was unaware this was an issue. They may as well not exist if this was implemented.

Didn’t know this was an issue. The main menu is cluttered enough, we don’t need another tab.

Your mmr is separate from your rank. It’s also rare that it happens, and even when it does, because everyone has the same chance to have to deal with this it has no bearing on your rank. Afterall, your rank reflects your average performance relative to others, so why can others climb under the same circumstances?

MH now the main game mode - actually fixes most problems (countering, queues, arguments over who plays what, toxicity…even matchmaking improves)

sleep/hinder/hack at the same time is a constant, they can stack and it makes it a hell to play tank.

Honestly I don’t think it’s easy to fix because everyone has different priorities about what is broken and what would make it fun for them.

I do think this should happen. I also think having death match exist in the first place is a mistake, but if you are going to have it you should exclude tanks because tanks by definition should win a 1v1 with a squishy so it’s unfair.