It’s time for a new Developer Update. It’s been 6 months

i hope we get this soon, we need answers , the forums are going crazy XD

Yep 100% agree.

It’s like people get upset at devs for lack of communication and then Kaplan posts some generic and vague thing and people thank him and talk about how great he is.

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Thank you Papa Jeff! <3

I would usually agree with that statement if it wasn’t for the fact that they are already doing so much work they might not actually have the time to record dev updates like they used to.

And have some respect, jesus, you’re way too rude, you’re not his boss.

I sure am :heart: ! (20 char)

I think he’s just quoting Yoda from Star Wars. When Yoda’s training Luke on Dagobah, Luke is failing with an exercise, Yoda tells him " Do or do not, there is no try". I don’t think XellOs is disrespectful, it’s just a geek phrase. ( OR he’s disrecpectful and it’s not cool! But i hope it’s my version ) ^^

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I just hope they include Echo with the hero ban system.

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Thank you for all the work you do to make this game great.

That said, I’m praying so hard that the hero bans rumors are false.

Pretty much what I said.

“Queue for tank, win a game, get a token that gets 5-10 minutes less on the queue for any role.”

Queue for tank, play tank, win the round and you get a token. Tokens disappear after 20 hours. When queuing there would be tokens highlighted above the Roles check boxes. Using a token would prompt you to select a role, but only one role, (probably with some glowing effect), then queue.
The queue would be aimed to reduce the average queue time for DPS in 2500SR down to zero (I.e. Average).
Or close to zero, considering it would seem queuing has two steps 1. Waiting in line to begin match making 2. Active match making.
It should be able to skip that first part entirely, but there might be a minute or two of active matchmaking.
That or if it’s just a system with weighted variables, then just heavily weight those variables to getting into a game.

Thank you for all the extra communication lately. :slight_smile:

Could you tell us of upcoming reworks planned?

Wouldn’t that just create matches with very large sr ranges? I personally wouldn’t want to use those because it kinda messes with one of the fundamentals of competitive.

Kinda depends how the match maker is coded.
I suspect it’s coded to make you wait in line for your turn, before it actively starts doing match making.
All this would do is put you at the front of the line, or much further up the line.
Since tokens works be less effective at higher skill tiers.

Interesting and yea it probably is coded that way. Too bad we don’t know for sure how matchmaking actually works so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Hi Overwatch team,

Thanks for letting us know that a developer update is on the way. One of the best parts about playing your game used to be that you kept us informed about how you were approaching the continuing development of the game. I hope that you’ll return to that in the near future, because I feel better about the changes that you make to the game when you talk with us about them more frequently and in more detail.

Thanks for all that you do!

I’m cautiously optimistic.

Is it coming out today?

I hope so but it’s ok if it doesn’t

Do you know what day of the week they typically come out?

Unlike patches dev updates aren’t bound to certain days of the week.

last 5 developer update days (most recent going backwards): tuesday, thursday, thursday, monday, wednesday. So it could pretty much be any of those weekdays. It’s not impossible for it to come out today, but that’s up to them and if they have everything ready for it.