Issues with connecting

The last 3 days I had the following issues on the EU server (50ping):
-need to push the relog button 5-10x times to get into the game
-every other quickplay game when found times out showing the yellow text “Failed to connect to server.”
-group server or team voice server doesn’t work. can’t speak/hear. Doesn’t connect to the server basically.
-custom games at times do not appear at all. If I am connected and finishing up one it doesn’t bring me to the next when the match is being restarted.
-playing vs bots works, but the voice channel does not.

US servers (150ping) work fine!!! voice works, matches being found, and game starts up first loggin try. Just wanted to share since it is weird that my game runs absolutely fine on US servers. Anyone know what’s up? issues been present for the past 3 days only.

[9632] [ERR] [bnl] [External(0)] [External()] [2018-12-11T16:36:55.199Z]: BNL_Voice: [20181211T18:36:55] {3dc} ERR: underlying SDK response error | type: ‘resp_account_anonymous_login’ code: 10028 ()
[9632] [ERR] [bnl] [External(0)] [External()] [2018-12-11T16:37:11.617Z]: BNL_Voice: [20181211T18:37:11] {3dc} ERR: underlying SDK response error | type: ‘resp_account_anonymous_login’ code: 10028 ()
[9632] [ERR] [bnl] [External(0)] [External()] [2018-12-11T16:38:22.720Z]: BNL_Voice: [20181211T18:38:22] {3dc} ERR: text stream error | code: 1096 (Call Terminated by Client Due to Timeout)
[9632] [ERR] [bnl] [External(0)] [External()] [2018-12-11T16:42:55.590Z]: Network: [20181211T18:42:55] {3dc} ERR: network dispatcher: action posted after shutdown