Isn`t Venture supposed to have 300 HP?

It looks like them were balanced before global HP buff. I mean, she is a very close range hero with pretty massive hitbox, just like Reaper, Mei and Torb. Just like them, Venture has some self-sustain in form of barriers, but her innate health is just too low.

She feels like a OW1 Doomfist, but with one less ability.

It has shields that grants him 325 hp, so it is correct. You have to move all time to survive more

really never saw that. have to look at the notes again with them

ok passive: explorer’s resolve… grants shields. only played one game with them so far and i was widow heh

Torb has 300 hp and also has a barrier. Mei and Torb both have self-healing.

Venture is very similar to OW1 Doom. He also had 250HP and barriers. But that was a long time ago before global HP buff.

The original footage had them have 200hp, with 50 overshield, so venture was scaled to 250 like every other squishy.

They probably do need a bit of extra health, maybe 275 because they are quite mobile but close range with a big hitbox.

I don’t think they really need any other buff tbh.