Is your main(s) used much in the overwatch league?

He used to be Meta, now you don’t see him much anymore since Zarya/Reinhardt are must picks to win.

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honestly i cant complain too much…well i can depending on the season :stuck_out_tongue: some season’s he pretty much has zero match time, other seasons he has a good level of play, nothing huge but he is seen sometimes

Not anymore, she was meta for a bit and now its illegal for her to be good according to streamers

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I like how we all just talk about our mains’ condition without even mentionning their name yet still know exactly who we’re talking about.


sorry my first post about her being in pretty much match was in jest since she is pretty much used to teleport out of the spawn room and then instantly changed, honestly i wish we got to see more sym

I don’t know if Zen is being played, but Dva is certainly a staple. Symmetra is queen of Lijang Tower.

Oh lol I can see your confusion from the pic, but I actually technically meant Orisa.

Though… yeah it applies to her too (my most used DPS)

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i do miss roadhog/orisa comps

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I’m pretty sure Widow is a more common pick, so I guess. I don’t watch OWL that much. I don’t even really follow it, but from what I’ve seen, Widow is decently picked.
For a Support, I’m even more hazy on Moira. I don’t know about her that much, but considering her current state, I’d assume not often.

I don’t like a hero that’s basically based on being hard to hit, but that’s barely possible to change now on him, so that’s just a side tangent.

As for nanoblade interaction, imo it’s ana’s problem, not his, not at all.

0.4% difference. Doom nerfs :smirk:

Unfortunately yea. They see lots of playtime now. Unbiased, Cree need nerfs, i advocate for them. Better today then tomorrow. I disliked the buff on Hanzos spam arrows, they need to take that buff back.

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Eh… a bit

Not that I care one way or another.

Why the hell would anyone care about this?

Egryn it’s not nice to steal people’s accounts


I mean Zarya is used a fair bit but surprisingly less with Rein than expected.

Unfortunately. She gets butchered over and over when she is used in OWL. She could literally have a 0% pickrate across every rank but get played in OWL abit and be roundhouse kicked into the wall with nerfs. I watched some Jardio for the first time recently and his frustrations were like looking in a mirror.

In the words of Buck the Weasel: “Sadly, yes.”

As a flex player, yes. And no.

Most played hero in OWL

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