Is your main(s) used much in the overwatch league?

i mean i changed mains a lot during the game back when i played but pretty much it was roadhog even if i didnt main him all the time

and meh…there has been times where he was played a decent amount, even a few times when he was played in every single match but there is a lot of times where he just isnt played at all

i am just jealous of sym mains who get their character played in almost every match

Nope, one of the least picked heroes in OWL. gets replaced by tracer and echo often.


oof, it honestly sucks when your main pretty much never get’s picked, must feel great to be a rein main(well other than the fact that you have to play rein)

I’ve already accepted the fact that he’s underpowered. His character design is way too dependent on the presence of ana and blade just to work with the game’s standards and general power level today. I wasnt expecting much in the dps roster other than just only seeing:

  • Ranged hitscans (mainly McCree)
  • Tracer
  • Echo
  • Hanzo
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Even though he’s op?!?!?

not going to lie, i always hated genji, i hated fighting him, i found him boring to play however genji can be very exciting to watch(maybe i found him boring to play because i was pretty trash with him) so i would love to see more genji in the overwatch league

the next meta can be a meta entirely focused around genji and roadhog(that would be a weird meta)

BOI, your main gets picked a lot more often than mine >:(

Think there was a time like that last year if im not mistaken? when genji was meta? i think hog was meta either during that time OR just after genji got murdered in cold blood with the nerfs :joy:. Genji and hog meta would be an interesting sight to see.

In all seriousness, all i want for my main is to be an average B-tier hero. only A/S-Tier/Meta when only dive is meta. Im just avoiding him to become meta in anything because that would lead to heavy nerfing like what July did :frowning:

Nope, hardly ever lol. Not that it really bothers me

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Smh ungrateful genji mains :unamused:

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smh ungrateful doomfist mains :unamused:

I pray for your bastion to get reworked hopefully by OW2

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That would be nice but I don’t care too much anymore. I play other heroes instead

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You don’t have to worry about if your main is played in OWL if you just main whatever you see being played in OWL.


I don’t know, I don’t watch OWL…

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it would be nice if bastion was a bit…better though so hopefully you get that in the future

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You’re a big help as always, Nani!

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who needs a nerf cuz she’s always been A Tier or higher.
All whilst DF, Genji and Reaper suffer.

This game would’ve been balanced a lot better if tracer has been nerfed. Tracer has been complained a lot back then too and guess what we got instead? Brig. Brig could’ve been avoided if Tracer was nerfed but nope. :slight_smile:

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And echo + cree.
But I don’t mind Brig but that’s probs on my console Mercy’s pickrate is skyhigh lol