Is weird someone who don't play competitive after 1000+ hours?

:+1: If they do, hopefully they also capture how many play RQ and OQ. :wink: For some people. :grin:

Probably about 2% of my playtime is also spent on competitive. I quit competitive for a good while after season 5 because I lost 6 placements matches purely to opposing smurfs and players throwing a hissyfit on my team and then actually throwing the games. In one of them our Genji who picked 3rd DPS was malding so bad they just fed into the enemies constantly. Right from spawn to 1v6 as fast as possible. So I decided to quit until they address smurfing and/or starts punishing disruptive behavior harder and/or make improvements to the matchmaking experience

15 seasons went past and nothing was done to address these issues so I just didn’t play for 15 seasons. Then I started doing placements and stuff and since I was still able to lose a game or two in plat/diamond to pure bs rng I just never got into it. It’s just way more stressful and the payout is… numbers clout? Wow.

I play to enjoy the game and relaxed gamemodes are better for that. Usually. If I’m uncomfortable in a relaxed gamemode I can just leave and requeue for another one and get it in less than 30 seconds as a tank player. I have way more impact on the enjoyment of my gameplay when I play relaxed gamemodes.

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I have a friend who is 1000+ hours and exclusively plays quickplay. He did play competitive for a slight amount like under 10 hours though. He says competitive gives him anxiety, which I can understand. I told him that the anxiety lessens the more he plays it but I don’t think he wants to try it at this point. I think he’s afraid of finding out how bad he is because he doesn’t even do placements. He isn’t deluded or anything but if he got ranked gold or something after playing for so long, I don’t think he’d be happy with himself so he just doesn’t attempt it.

Nope. I have 439 hours playtime yet only 16 hours of it is comp. I literally don’t care about rank and golden guns (well, golden guns a little bit. But still not the rank).

i am in the same boat, around 750 hours myself and only have 70 hours in comp. its just not worth the effort, its too judgemental, people put way too much emphasis on the rank and sr number rather than performance and judge for what characters your prefer to play.

i literally only do placements every now and then to see where i am according to to the game, apprently I can quite easily acheive diamond support which nice, dont know what I can do when I actually try though

Actually Competitive is the most popular mode. See below data from Jeff himself:


Oho! :sunglasses:

Can we also quote this when the next guy claims that “OQ is more popular than RQ”? :smile:

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Not at all – because comp is filled with a bunch of players don’t pick a hero cause they want to fill, tilt if you don’t play meta, shot call with a bad attitude and scapegoat me if I play Orisa/Winston.

OW is weird. Other fps games with higher skill caps and more individual influence that are balanced for players being competitive with each other have quickplay as their main game mode, and nobody gets fussy about the vast majority of people playing it. It’s fair, fun, and there are some great players.

OW though, you’re either playing comp or you’re useless. Gotta get that SR, gotta prove your worth, gotta scramble for that tiny IV of dopamine promising that maybe after a few hundred more games you can move from one type of metal badge to another.

It’s weird that there’s such a community feeling that competitive is the only real way to play the game, and everyone else doesn’t know how to play the game. Especially when the vast majority of people are playing QP.

I just played a game with someone contending for a pro league(in a different game) who ran through and stomped a quickplay game, but it wasn’t a big deal, because the game was fun, everybody wished each other a good game, and nobody had to get their ego going in the chat at the end.

I don’t know what makes OW so incredibly toxic towards fun and insistent that having an SR makes you not an idiot. It’s a weird game like that. I really think the original vision, where you got 5 friends and made a weird composition and went crazy with a bunch of ridiculous characters is beautiful. The moment top down competitive balance for the 1% of 1% who play the game ‘correctly’ became a mandate, things went crazy.

Consider this. If only 100 or so people out of millions can play your game correctly, maybe there’s a fundamental design flaw? When you can’t balance a game so that it plays ‘about’ the same for everybody, maybe something weird is going on.

This went way off track. Long story short, it’s not weird to play only QP in other games, it shouldn’t be here, and the community at large is weird for making it seem like that isn’t the case.

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Yes, you can.
But it won’t help, because those people tend to have lost any touch to reality and rather come up with the wildest explanations of why “the data might be invalid” instead of accepting that most people think that RQ was a major improvement to the game and that Blizzard won’t remove it just because some people don’t like it :roll_eyes:


Not really. Nothing forces you to play competitive, unless you really want golden guns.

Competitive honestly seems like a joke to me. I find my quick play games are more evenly matched than my competitive games.

I recently switched to PC, was placed into low plat, was there for a while, and eventually hit a wall and have been on a steady decline since. Matches are always extremely tilted to one side.

Quick play is another story. I would say I win about 50% of the time.

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I have 1725 hours played and have not touched “Competitive” even once. It’s going to stay that way, too.

I used to play QP, then moved on to Mystery Heroes with a dabble in other Arcade modes as well, then back to QP until they ruined it, then to No Limits and Total Mayhem which I exclusively play now (except when events ruin the rotation, which means I only come on when they are on the slot for the day… Unless I feel an itch, which I scratch with QPC; but it just ain’t as fun as NL and TM).

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Does it matter? Play whatever you enjoy. Comp can be stressful so I totally understand that people just don’t want to deal with it. Nothing weird here.

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I think I only have like 400-500 hours on the game but I usually just play qp now. I don’t have many friends on switch and apparently solo queueing in switch is terrible, I tested it out and I won 1 game and lost like 6 when solo queueing :woman_shrugging: I just do placements. Sure I will play occasionally to get my support to gold but other than that I just I just play qp or arcade for the lootboxes

I’ve only been doing placements on this account since Season 7(ish). My comp hours on here are 130hrs and QP hours are around 1400hrs.

I do have a different account that I exclusively play comp on for practice, with my hours on there being around 300hrs.

This might stem from the time when competitive was the only way to play the game seriously. It was the mode where you were more likely to get a relatively balanced comp with people wanting to play together and play the objective.

QP was full of people who memed, treated the game like deathmatch, and went all dps at the first sign of difficulty. As the game has matured, it gave players ways to play the game the way they want (deathmatch, custom games, etc ) and added structure to promote teamplay (role queue).

It’s definitely improved the overall game experience from the early chaotic days. But old habits die hard, so the comp is best way to play mentality has persisted.

Not really. I personally don’t play competitive because it requires too much time commitment. Matches can be exponentially longer than quick play and you can’t leave without being severely punished if you don’t feel like playing anymore. It’s the same reason I stopped playing Summoners Rift in LoL. I want to play for 40 minutes but I don’t want to play the same match for 40 minutes. The only reason I bothered with it before was the comfort of knowing there would always be another tank and healer but forced 2-2-2 removed any lingering reason for me to play that mode.

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I played one placement match 5 years ago and had no interest in doing more.

Not abnormal at all. Heck, despite Comp being my most played mode, I only have 400 or so hours on it, way less than the avid Comp player whose Hero Gallery is filled to the brim with golden guns.