Is Tracer next?

The only bias the devs have is towards tracer. She NEVER gets nerfed and her nerfs are negligible. Just make her falloff start at 10m with the range 10m-18m already.
Average tracer player
Average reaper enjoyer


Tracer will never get major nerfs because she is the poster girl of the game, and also “muh skill” arguments play a major factor when it comes to powerful heroes.

At most, blizzard will revert her damage falloff buff, but that’s only if the whining is incessant for months.


Streamers will probably never complain about tracer because a lot of them either play tracer or can pile on top of her whenever she pokes her head out.

Tracer is very much an ace in the hole hero for high skill players who are playing below their rank.

The fact that a majority of players are too low SR for tracer to be any real trouble is totally valid. High tier tracer players are a nightmare, especially so ever since her true counters got nerfed out of viability.

Probably not… She’s been a problem since the start of the game. Most people already gave up on her.

She’s not op but rather has harder time being countered due to her mobility making her good on self reliant heroes who tend to be meta such as Hanzo or Widow but weak to more moba heroes such as Torb or Pharah.

I personally think tanks also have a part in it not providing any significant protection against her but rather damage…
but it’s mostly the result of which heroes have harder time being countered and which heroes counter these heroes which result in Tracer being op.

Nice changes that can help Tracer being a bit worse except for the ones I already listed are creating more counters to heroes such as Widow, Ashe or Zen.
Increase amount of traps for Junkrat in exchange for weaker traps and consider buffing existing shield tanks in order to allow some counters such as Torb to be played more…

I dunno I still remember seeing far more complaints about Genji and that nanoblade was OP despite Ana not being super prominent back then

The most a “nerf genji” thread got to was probably 100 likes during dive meta. I don’t really remember it being a thing. Unless you can find me a post to prove me otherwise. But 720 likes is a LOT for the new forums.

It will 100% be Tracer or Echo. Non of which i think need nerfs btw.
But like I said before McCree was nerfed. If McCree is weak then you have Doom, Tracer, Ball , Genji running around unstoppable.

I do not think the forums play at a rank high enough to be bothered by Tracer. No offense intended, I am low ranked too. These Tracer are pig food in my hood.


I can understand tracer, but I honestly do not understand the echo hate, like, how is she OP? She isn’t even dominating.


I dont understand some of the opinions and reasoning of people that post on these forums most of the time. Makes my brain hurt.


Hmm… I kind of agree some of the opinions on here are a bit… wild :sweat_smile:

But I have a feeling you’re kind of referring to me since we disagree a bit :thinking:

Anyways, most opinions on here are fine, some are crazy though such as thinking orisas dog is ugly.

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The one thing we can never agree on. We can both admit that McCree is the worst dps in the game and that Zarya needs as many nerfs as Brigitte to be balanced, but you will just never admit that Orisa’s dog represents the “inner beauty” of the Overwatch community. Tsk tsk…

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I don’t mind people disagreeing with me. Its fine. I like healthy convos.
And I dont see you as unreasonable (if im remembering correctly lol)

Some other posters though. Jesus.

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I do not go by that name anymore, Buddha is what’s Guddha.


Ah yes, of course :sunglasses:

Now that’s just insulting, I didn’t think you’d go THAT far to insult orisas dog…

Neither to you, I know we disagree a lot but you seem cool :slight_smile:


Tracer has needed nerfs since 2017. If she’s a must-pick again that simply means the devs have finally undone most of the other powercreep they’ve added since then.


Well it’s a bit hard, the oldest posts I could find on the forums were on Feb’ 18 which I’m assuming is when the new forums went live which means I have about a month worth of threads to work with, I’ll admit I’m wrong about people not complaining about Tracer but I can’t exactly prove (or disprove) my point about Genji, unless there’s a way to view the old forums but old links don’t work and I don’t think web-archives save the entire database

There was this thread I stumbled across though, which isn’t exactly evidence for or against but does suggest that people were more inclined to talk about Genji back then

I’m not complaining, more Tracer being played = more opportunites to play Torb.

Yes. Good. It’s her turn. Revert the fall-off fully.


Mehhh tracer is already the normalized top pick hero.
Everyone is used to her being the best of the best by now.