Is Tracer and Genji still faster?

In live OW, Tracer and Genji basically have the OW2 speed passive. Are they even faster in OW2 or are all the DPS the same in terms of base movement speed?

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Unfortunately no, so they’ve lost that advantage over other DPS and Genji has gotten literally nothing new for OW2 lmao.

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I think that’s good though, the movement speed would be ridiculous. Imagine trying to fight them as a support if they are even faster lol.

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imagine being Ana with a sleep dart on a 15 second cooldown and being dove(or diven…i dont know how to English) by tracer, genji and doomfist at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

True, they definitely couldn’t have it on top of the base buff. Though I do wish the DPS role passive was different.

He doesn’t really need anything in ow 2 though, looks like he’s pretty strong.


Pretty sure this is false?

All the DPS feel faster in OW2, especcially Tracer/Genji. Watch a Soldier sprint in OW2, has Sonic legs now.

What they mean is that all damage heroes move as fast as tracer and genji now. so everyone is 10% faster but tracer and genji already were 10% faster. The thing with soldier is that it makes him even faster when he sprints which is why he’s so good.

But they still have their advantage because they move 10% faster than the other DPS still on top of all DPS moving 10% faster than OW1.

Are you sure? Cus that sounds ridiculous. Mercy who already had the healing passive has it specifically say that her version is better but nothing like that for tracer and genji.

Genji is perhaps the biggest beneficiary of “less CC”. (CC was no big threat for Tracer, just annoying.) It’s really convenient to play Genji currently.


I’m still on the fence about that. Blade is definitely stronger and in-general, Genji feels stronger. But Genji has always thrived in disorganized environments and people are still getting used to 5v5. We’ll see how long it lasts.

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