Is this supposed to be so grindy?

que for a low gold game. MM says okay here you go…Featuring: a plat genji and a silver hard pocket mercy?

there’s a huge variance in how every player plays ever 200sr, what they know, how they play, how they communicate…no actually its even more extreme in gm where 50 sr is a big deal.

so, is this combination in average rank with the greatest population of players, unavoidable?

or is my pessimism correct…its supposed to be grindy…?

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The plat Genji is likely in a duo with the silver mercy and they are averaged out to be put into gold games. Why? Because what’s the better solution? Put the pair in a silver game where the mercy should be and have the Genji roll even harder? Put the pair in plat where the Genji should be and have the mercy get stomped?

This has nothing to do with how much of a grind it is or is not supposed to be. It is simply what happens when a plat duos with a silver. Should they be duoing together in the first place? I’d argue no but they’re allowed to and the matchmaker has no better way to place them into games.

you could make regular solo que players not have to play with plat/silver duos…treat duos like you treat parties; if they exceed a threshold of 250sr sr difference…

Something to consider but even then you can’t cater to solo players too extremely. Until there is a solo only queue you will always potentially run into groups.