Is this seriously how we play "snipers" now?

Yeah this. The next Support hero needs something similar.

Right now, you need Zen + Brig Armour, or you are dead, because everyone is just amping him up on the dragon…

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Drop. Not fall-off. Hanzo has never had any fall-off. His projectiles fly in an arc. The term you want is “drop”.

Eh, pretty sue everyone knew what I meant.

They will probably nerf him in the same sense that Mcree was nerfed back in the day for being such a strong tank buster.

Hanzo isn’t a sniper her is mid range DPS.

At long range his shots are unreliable as the enemy is moving back and forth and your shots are never guaranteed even if the shot is perfect when you fire your shot

so your complaining about a midrange sniper jumping in close to finish the only one left alive on the enemy team with a fan the hammer type move…

Fan the hammer was nerfed back in the day for this same thing.
Heck he’s better than reaper in some situations at tank busting.

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Fan was nerfed for what it could do in conjunction with flashbang. With hanzo the enemy doesnt lose any control and it has to be mostly head shots to reach the damage potential of the old mcree fan roll fan combo.


You mean like pre-rework Mercy? They took away the only other reliable counter for the graviton combo with her rework.

I somehow dont see Hanzo as a sniper, more like a mid range assasin.

I don’t fully understand why they made this change considering how awful they considered Mcree back in the day when he could quickly fan the hammer and do a few hundred damage with minimal aim.

I would’ve expected they’d do something that helps him fulfill a sniper role, like an ability that gives him hitscan or something to be more flexible. This just feels bad to play and feels bad to play against.


Hanzo combines Reaper and old McSniperCree with real good mobility. Nothing wrong with that. /s


what if his amount of arrows in Storm Arrow was reduced to like 4 or something

it would still let him shrek tracers and other squishies (with good aim instead of spam roulette)

Hanzo is meant to kill tanks. That is why even after rework he retains his high damage.

Just accept Hanzo isn’t a meme anymore.

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other than CC skills, hanzo already has high mobility, burst and nearly hitscan due to projectile speed buff, so your point is…?

but yeah hanzo hardly was used as a true sniper, if your strenght is going to be mid range, he need be toned down to a mid range fighter like the others, cuz right now he owns in mid range fights, and thats isnt a bad thing, but then the sniper traits need be toned down.

Hanzo is effective at any range now( if the player is good).

He doesn’t have fall off. Wish I could downvoted this.

and it also calls symmetra “support”, so…

The issue is roles and where you’re best suited. People in this thread are pointing out that “Hanzo was never a sniper!” and “Hanzo is supposed to be a tank buster!” and I can’t figure out if people are delusional or just ignorant. If Hanzo isn’t a sniper, then why is he the only other hero who can compete with Widowmaker at long ranges? His arrows combine a lack of damage falloff with high damage and reliable accuracy at long ranges. That’s a sniper. Just because he has to lead shots and doesn’t hit-scan doesn’t mean he isn’t a sniper. His position is to be at long-range, mid-range at best. Yet Storm Arrow gives him the option to completely ignore that: firing fully drawn arrows at close range temporarily turns Hanzo into a close-range character that rewards speed over accuracy similar to Tracer. How would every Widowmaker feel if Reaper suddenly gained the capacity to click on her head from across the map and kill her the way she can do to him while maintaining his capacity for close range? It would be a justifiable outrage. Reaper is for close-quarters combat and Widowmaker is for long-range sharpshooting. That is their role. Soldier rocks at mid-range because of a combination of hit-scan and a slow projectile burst. That is his role. Tracer does good at short-range because her blink and rewind can disorient targets and allow her to exploit their backs. Hanzo’s Storm Arrow violates that idea of characters having roles because he can temporarily turn himself into a short-range hero based on speed rather than a long-range hero based on accuracy.


The current symmetra is a support.
They’re reworking her and then she’ll move to the defense category, soooooo…your point is?