Is this seriously how we play "snipers" now?

Moment I saw the thread I said to myself, out loud, “It’s gonna be a Hanzo-clip”.

Low and behold, I was right.

Hanzo occupies a “Sniper” slot, although Hanzo isn’t meant for sniping. Hanzo CAN snipe, but his main role is usually mid/close range, like a Soldier:76 or a McCree.

“But-but-but the game says he’s a sniper”
The game also says McCree is a sniper. McCree can snipe with his burst headshot damage, but, he’s just not meant to.

Hanzo is meant to be able to Tankbust, that’s why you pick Hanzo over Widowmaker.

Now, I couldn’t find the Blue/Dev post that stated Hanzo’s Scatter Arrow was ORIGINALLY MEANT FOR tank-busting, but I do remember reading it.

I included a quote from the Devs/Blizzard, so I hope if any of you wish to say “this wasn’t intended” you may educate yourselves.

"But it’s not right", yes it is. It’s exactly what they wanted.

Hanzo VS Widowmaker

Some of you will compare Widowmaker and Hanzo, both being “snipers”. I even did this earlier in my post, however, the importance with Overwatch is to remember that people are meant to swap (although not forced to).

What this entails is the fact that if you need to destroy an enemy team who is exposed, you pick Widowmaker. If they aren’t running a bunch of barriers, or the map doesn’t give you any over-head sightlines, then you don’t pick Widowmaker. You pick Hanzo instead, as he is SUPPOSED to deal high damage to Barriers/Tanks with this ability.

In fact, you can even play Hanzo AND Widowmaker, because they enable each-other. Widowmaker will kill anything trying to kill Hanzo or their supports, long before they are within reach. Hanzo will destroy frontliners such as Tanks. This includes Brigitte because 1 volley of Storm Arrows + 1 (or 2) Widowmaker shots into that shield = the shield is dead, snipers reign supreme.

In a balanced game, Snipers should be allowed to do their purpose. SNIPE.