Is this game for real? Are the devs laughing at us?

I bought the game in 2016. Played it A LOT. I seriously don’t believe you spent 3.5 years making this downgrade.
This can’t be real.

  • Servers don’t work
  • Battle pass is a middle finger at us
  • Can’t see my ranked stats
  • 1 out of every 3 games we have 200ms ping
  • Combat is unbalanced
  • New heroes and tanks are broken
  • Game released 1 week ago and we still have queues
  • Removed maps and gamemodes ???
  • The robot game mode is boring and maps are a mess
  • No PVE after 3.5 years of development
  • Removed all leveling system, all types of progression, replacing it with a joke of a battle pass which doesn’t give you currency to buy it again like every other battle pass in history.
  • 5 players instead of 6, removed the only unique thing about OW combat
  • Map “upgrades” are only change it to night from day and viceversa.
  • Lost all my coins from ow1??
  • I have to play for ENTIRE SEASONS to earn the currency to buy A SINGLE LEGENDARY SKIN?
  • Skin prices are a scam
  • Weapon charms? Are you serious?
    Can you really tell me what did you do in these 3.5 years? Other than abandoning OW 1?

I dont think anyone is having a laugh mate


At this point, I am pretty convinced it is some sort of therapy to compell you to touch grass.

Or, it’s a new way to make me more depressed than I am normally.


They locked my heroes now too. OW2 hates us.


Agree with most of this, but deleting 2CP was one of the best decisions Blizz has ever made with OW.

Also, your old coins are now “legacy coins”. You can check them by clicking the currency in the top right when looking at skins etc…


I’m sure all the devs that jumped ship prior to launch are laughing their asses off.


In all honesty, Assault just needed spawn adjustments and an alternate main path (no one choke point).


I think they’re targetting the younger generation who grew up with that and are the future to them. Every generation is replaceable, it hurts I know.


wish i cud disagree with more of this
-but the hero locking i choose to believe is a bug, that can’t be real
-the balance… was this game ever balanced…?
-the queues got a lot better
-the PvE… they could have just released the PvP with the first beta. With the PvE missing there was really no point in this 6-8 month delay.
-push maps are pretty rubbish, can’t say much positive about them


i dont even know what they are doing to fix the hero lock issue if i end up losing access to and tracer last time it was only i will literally lose it


The hero lock is such a weird damn bug…
First off, why lock the OW1 heroes at all? I get that they want to milk some cows by locking new heroes behind the battle pass but it’s such a braindead decision to lock the old ones too, completely unnecessary.

Second… How does a bug that locks heroes out of veterans gets passed through beta test? How damn rushed was this game(Or OW1 patch, I guess)? Sure, Blizzard has been smelling of desperation and corporate greed after that PR disaster, but at least hone the product a little.


1 yes they do work, connection interrupts are only caused by the changing of potato’s at the potato server factory

2 battlepass is monetization comrad

3 every rank is bronze anyway so…

4 Pay to win comrad

5 incorrect, its actually 3/4 games with 200ms ping

6 combat is greatly balanced by the amazing people at blizzard removing heros

7 they balance the game while drunk remember

8 potato server factory infrastructure was a little under prepared

9 lets be real nobody liked 2cp, yes its a shame hanamura is gone but hopefully they will come back soon… not in a battlepass hopefully

10 robot gamemode was introduced as boring ballanced alternative to 2cp, ensuring the balanced yet boring experience continues

11 pve will release really soon in 2077

12 who needs progression when you have “microtransaction”

13 the excelent people at blizz hq made up for 5v5 via introducing the revolutionary system of visual clutter to make up for the lack of 2 people

14 you are forgetting about some rocks and randomly placed walls

15 rip

16 microtransaction comrade

17 microtransaction comrade, become whale

18 weapon charming is very charm


Twice now this game’s kicked me just for getting an achievement. How can a bug like that happen?


The younger generation is braindead if they’re okay with not receiving premium currency from the battlepass


Skins are missing for some people.

Leavers in almost every game nearly.

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Activision is having a laugh, cause they ruined our game and will still make money due to streamers and whales.


Well said, I really enjoyed overwatch a lot. Cant think of much other games than the original Cods that I looked forward to playing so much. Your last bullet point hits home. I understand now why OW1 felt ignored. In retrospect look at the original release of OW1, you could use to use 6 bastions all at once lol. I think in time since full focus is on this game now it should turn out more enjoyable than the first game


No, you still have them but they’re treated as a separate currency and are called Overwatch Credits. Overwatch Coins, which are gold, are the new ones.


god dammit this guy gets it. he nailed this sh!t like jesus to the cross


This man gets it. Fix the game, Blizzard.