Is there really an MMR system for QP?

I’ve read many times that people People QP has a “hidden MMR system”

I just don’t believe it at all.

I’m put in QP Matches where there are people with Low bronze, GM, Silver etc all the time.

Is there any proof of there being an MMR system in QP?

I had a match just now where the Junkrat was an extremely SR. One of the lowest I’ve ever seen

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There is but it is very confusing to me. I’m leveling up a smurf and consistently rolling people and getting good stats, but somehow still in gold matches?

Sometimes it seems based on Comp MMR too.

It feels insulting but it’s still fun pushing them into their spawn.

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Yes there is. It’s been confirmed by them and I’m sure that you can find the official post with some google search action. The matchmaking is very lenient though which is why a lot of players have been complaining how terrible it is. They made matchmaking in OW more lenient in favor of queue times too which is why a lot of games are so skewed nowadays with even in comp Top 500 players being matched up with and against Masters

Not good enough stats. I started playing with GMs in QP around lvl 18, but I just happened to get sometimes GMs sometimes stomping gold/plat lobbies. I started to get high tier players consistently around lvl 23-24 though

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Yes, its easy, create new account and play as bronze. You will be in QP games with people from bronze/silver mostly.

I leveleped up several new accounts so I am 100% sure there is QP MMR. Not only for QP tho, its for Mystery heroes and tohers modes too.

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When people do this, they are manipulating the MMR of their opponents inadvertently.

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It was just an example :slight_smile: If he will play like top500, he will play against Gms and top500 in QP :slight_smile:

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Understood :slight_smile: it’s just that there are people who don’t like the idea of players manipulating their MMR by soft-throwing and I’m pointing out that when you play against a Smurf and get terrible stats for the loss, the Smurf has just manipulated your MMR.

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“Jump into a game with players of similar skill”. Then it puts you in a game with 1800’s and 4300’s.

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I wonder too if it’s levelling with gold friend. When I played QP with my friend when I first ever played, even after no longer being in a group with them i’d play against masters and GM.

Team averages equalize it, in theory. Rarely pans out that way though. Group mmr seems separate than solo, as well.

Well the thing is that previously if you played with a gold or even plat players you would never see high tier opponents even in QP unless they were playing QP for the first time ever after playing only competitive for a while climbing up the ranks since QP and competitive have separate MMRs. Nowadays this is no longer an exception to the rule as gold and plat players are consistently mixed with high tier players which is why players are malding really hard over the matchmaking experience that is really terrible right now

I’ve seen that. My QP matches in were really stressful. And then i placed the account and the games got a lot slower. (I’m bronze)

That being said, your level/border might also have an impact. On my main account (plat border), i’m always against at least 2 or more plat border accounts (Most are ranked plat).

Qp have definitely a lot less strict rules for matchmaking vs comp mode.

Usualy its just ±people in similar ranks.

It takes a while for MMR to catch up as your not really proving your GM by rolling a bunch of bronzes.

Well, i must be really unlucky then.

I think its often wildy out of balance because people play in qp for fun and iften different heroes than in comp.

Idk. I feel like i’m doing terrible on my main account. Even on comp, half my games, there are smurfs in the enemy team. My other accounts are much more “lucky”. No plat/diamond in quickplay, not that many smurfs…

I think you see smurfs where they are not. Usualy its just people who created alt acc and are close with their main.

I don’t look at their level/border.

Is there really an MMR system for QP?

No, all that remains is “quality” control. This sometimes leads to similar effects.