Is there really a lot to complain about rn balance wise?

Roadhog says hello.

As for supports, is it really right that there’s little counterplay to Brigitte’s shield bash stun when you’re a Reinhardt? Many times she can just shield bash stun Reinhardt through his shield barrier, too easily. Mercy’s rework is still a common discussion, primarily because it wasn’t right from the start all the way to this day.

I agree about damage dealers though, that is a mess.

Knowingly smacking a hornets nest
(I don’t play a lot of DPS) What in particular is out of balance in the DPS category?

Honestly, it’s more balanced than it used to be. Sure some heroes could use buffs, sure some could use nerfs. But it isn’t at the point where the game is unplayable because of a hero. And if you’re thinking it is, I’m telling you. It’s not. Yes the amount of CC could be reduced a little but it’s not like the game is so unbalanced it’s unplayable.

Even though most of the cast is mostly balanced, Hanzo over shadows almost all of them. That’s a pretty major issue. Just like how Mercy used to dominate Support.


Well I had this idea in the other thread.

Lower the bodyshot damage on Storm Arrow 20%, then raise the headshot multiplier up to 2.5x. Like what they did to Widowmaker.

It’s the only class that still has troll picks. And Hanzo is better than almost all of them.

Besides that, while on paper, some others may be fine, burst damage is so important because of all of the armour and healing in the game, hence why Snipers are much more common now than ever before. Although, we have taken a step in the right direction since S10

Roadhog players want to have a word with you.

I agree though, they really need to prioritize the dps section for balance changes (bastion)

Agreed… most are just overshadowed by a few who either:

  • Can instantly delete a normal(200HP) hero from a fight
  • Have so much Mobility that they are barely hitable, yet still more than enough DPS to not be able to compete with the others.
    Or in some cases… Both (cough Doomfist cough)

Many heroes in the Damage Roster need attention, in both ways… some need to get into a better spot like Torb or Bastion, others need to be brought back in line… like… everyone falling under the upper categories… namely Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, and Doomfist.

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Cough buff reaper now cough buff reaper now

The game is actually really good atm, but the thing is that the more balanced that the game gets, the more obvious it is that certain characters suck.

Hog needs a buff. Everyone else is fine except rein bugs and maybe a hammond buff.

I know, right? As a DPS main reading all of these “perfect balance” posts, I am just sitting there thinking, “is this the Twilight Zone?” but you reminded me that 90% of the people here “flex.”

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Agree, However I think DVa’s collision damage should be reverted back to what it was. 10 is too little in my opinion