Is there like a proper Tank doomfist guide

I cant do what zebra or quakedon are doing, is there like a normal average player tank guide for doom that actually helps and not from one of those generic ability lister.

Yes, you just press “Change hero” and pick a different tank. No jokes, learning Doom before a buff is a waste of your time

What exactly? All Doomfist’s moves were deleted from the game, so now it’s only about using cooldowns at the correct timings, and clicking heads after a charged punch


I imagine QuakedOn will do a guide eventually


He did even before OW2 was released, but now all the techs were deleted for no reason :roll_eyes: And there are no new ones

Only available tech I can think of is Slam + instant cancel with right click/Block/using Slam again, it allows you to fly higher

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A proper Tank Doomfist Guide

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Honestly, i imagine there are still working doomfist workshop games (though since most tech is removed its still pretty useless :frowning: )

Though yeah, stick to a guide


Yup this was the kind of stuff i was looking for.

Yeah. In spawn, if you hold H on mnk, X on xbox, or square on PS, you come to the hero select screen. From there you can play any other tank and find much more success than you would on $hitFist

not all. turn punch is still in the game, and it’s exceedingly useful, but yes, most slam techs are either gone or neutered

Ah yeah, I should have mentioned that I am talking about new moves, like stair slam, bhop clam and such