Is there any plan on changing Bastion?

Ill be honest sombras hack is super fast, everyone complains about that, but regardless I even have trouble against her and my tracking is really good. Being a GM player shes a pain in the bum for everyone


All hail Sombra meta.

Remember kiddies, just “turn, point, and click to deny the hack.”

There’s no hope for Bastion. Everyone steps on him and unlike Mercy, and now even Sombra, he got nerfed a week after his buff. Then said nerf completely gutted his viability.

But hey, any buffs to Bastion just mean pirate ship will be unstoppable, and we can’t have viable F-tier heros, except Sombra because reasons.

It truly disgusts me.


Hey! Somebody who actually gets it! :smile_cat:
Lol, Yea… I would have to say that Bastion is the most countered hero in the game, Currently… With hack, Pulse bomb, Junkrat, Hook, And about 12 more… Hard counters… It’s pretty crazy that Bastion can’t often handle a 1v1 situation, let alone taking on most of a team, Because lets face it, Bastion is Always Going to be The First Priority. No matter how you spin it. Aka, The first one Attacked and Focused, No matter how many healers you have. X3

Bastion should trade Lack of movement, for high damage… Is that how it currently works? Nope. It’s pretty simple…
Bastion. Is. Under. Powered.


Yea… As Moira would say. “The state of you…” I miss the old bastion, he was such a killing machine, but he was made of wet paper. Nowdays he is just, and forgive my words, utterly unusable and complete trash, he is so unfun to play now, I can barely kill hogs anymore, and wasn’t that was Bastion was supposed to do ? To shred people ? Took away all the cannon from glass. Such a crap hero he is now. Abd he would be good for Ana too, since he could work as a deterrant to flankers, and still be able to hit the front lines, which means dive could finally be countered because that monkey will be shred. :rage:


Yeah he was an actual “Glass Cannon” before but as someone said before hes just a “slightly less glassy normal gun”. Hes supposed to be a shield buster now, but he cant do that efficiently now a days. Before he was the shredder but now hes the mediocre unsharpened cheese grader.


It was me on my megathread here:


Well, After checking your profile, i could only find 10 hours of Bastion…
And since we have no way of knowing When you played Bastion, All of those few hours could have been playing Old Bastion…

My opinion? Go play about 20 hours of Bastion in Competitive before you start Talking about a Character as if you Main them. :smile_cat:
No offense or anything, But leave this to the people that Actually play the Character. Not just Those who play Against them.

-ChibiFox :fox_face:
Why are some people SO Insistent on Nerfing Bastion into the grave?


Yeah you were right :hugs:


I’m fine explaining how simple it is to listen to an audio cue, hold left click, and spin around.

The fact is, Do you know how loud it is to Play Bastion?

there is basically NO WAY You are going to hear any “Audio Cues” If you are playing against any kind of Decent Sombra player.

Next Argument please?


I’m pretty sure there is a certain amount of time between the moment you hear hack and the moment you turn around. It’s not an instantaneous process, he may be a machine, but we’re not.


Theres no use trying to explain to you. It’s not that easy, its just easier said than done.


Her hack is louder than anything you do. Like, that’s literally how the game is designed. I don’t need to be a Bastion player to understand volumes that I hear on everyone.

Bastion’s minigun is incredibly loud while playing as him. It’s not the ripping sound you hear from an enemy Bastion, it actually sounds different for friendly Bastion’s. It’s more of a loud buzzing sound almost.

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If you hear the audiocue for hack, it is already too late, because it means you are now an even more useless Bastion.


And you can hear “beep beep beep beep” over it if you’re listening for it, as you should be if you know you’re against a Sombra.

Practice them reflexes, fam.

Hell, I have put in Over 100 hours into playing Bastion… On a CONTROLLER

It’s not easy, I’ll tell ya that!

You know how hard it is to do a perfect 180 with a joystick? Do ya?
And if you DO Manage to Cancel the hack, Do you know how hard it is to track an “A & D/Crouch” Spamming Sombra? Pretty much Impossible.


If you’re shooting, that means you’re trying to not die because people are shooting back at you, your options are to die to what you’re shooting at, or to die to Sombra.


What if the sombra is above and behind you ? 0.6 seconds are not a lot of reaction time, and you can’t hear where the hack is coming from, only that it is hsppening.