Is there any plan on changing Bastion?

I just saw this post (how did I miss it for 12 days?):

and it says Sym is next in line for changes and that it may take awhile.

Is there any plan on doing anything with Bastion at some point after her? I don’t mean a plan on what would change, just if he’s on the list at all.


Likely not, since he got a pretty hefty rework recently anyway.

Hefty or not it didn’t seem to work. His pickrate hasn’t really changed.


There’s like 27 characters. Of course his pick rate isn’t going to really change. They don’t change characters to make them more popular, they change them to make them less garbage, or less overpowered. The pick rate changes based off the meta of the month.

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He’s still garbage though and his counters are all getting buffed. Sombra can 1v1 him with ease now. Recon just isn’t enough to fight her and he basically can’t use sentry because of hack.


If Sombra is soloing a Bastion he deserves to be solo’d because he has exactly zero situational awareness.

¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

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Maybe the developers are waiting to see how much Brigitte will affect Bastion? Considering she’s been said to be good against his counters like Tracer and Genji.

I remember someone mentioning that Moira and Brigitte makes Symmetra an even less attractive pick. It’s why I imagined that they’ve decided to rework her so she’d have a place down the line.


She can do it with his team around too though.


That doesn’t change his lack of situational awareness. His spread is almost identical to soldier’s rifle in recon mode, so he should be able to easily kill a Sombra by like, shooting her in the [upper third of her body]

It’s not a matter if hitting her it’s just how much damage she can do now with less spread. Also she’s tiny so it’s also a matter of him hitting her.

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Her size shouldn’t affect how bad the Bastion is as tracking. As a Widow I have no trouble killing her so I’m 100% certain I could do it readily on Bastion, or Soldier since he was mentioned too.

The closer a hero is the harder it is to track. Basically, she moves more pixels on your screen when she’s closer than when she’s further. That’s why Genji counters Bastion quite a lot.

BTW my original point wasn’t to argue about Sombra it’s the fact that one of his counters got buffed and he’s become a victim of power creap.

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I like the idea of the more he fires the tighter the Aim gets

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Ok, you win. Bastion is bad because your anecdotal evidence proves so.


They widened his aim because he was sitting in the back of the points sniping people. It’s been undone and likely won’t be re-done.

I main Bastion so I have some level of authority on what his balance feels like and you said yourself that you feel confident that you could do good with him meaning you don’t really play him.

You also main one of the most viable heroes and one of Bastion’s biggest counters right now so that should even count against your experience with him.

That’s not why they did it. They purposely messed up his range so they could give him ironclad which was promptly overnerfed so he ended up with the short end of the stick that was supposed to help him.

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Man Sawnic you wont give up to shut down a bad hero


Ill be honest sombras hack is super fast, everyone complains about that, but regardless I even have trouble against her and my tracking is really good. Being a GM player shes a pain in the bum for everyone


All hail Sombra meta.

Remember kiddies, just “turn, point, and click to deny the hack.”

There’s no hope for Bastion. Everyone steps on him and unlike Mercy, and now even Sombra, he got nerfed a week after his buff. Then said nerf completely gutted his viability.

But hey, any buffs to Bastion just mean pirate ship will be unstoppable, and we can’t have viable F-tier heros, except Sombra because reasons.

It truly disgusts me.


Hey! Somebody who actually gets it! :smile_cat:
Lol, Yea… I would have to say that Bastion is the most countered hero in the game, Currently… With hack, Pulse bomb, Junkrat, Hook, And about 12 more… Hard counters… It’s pretty crazy that Bastion can’t often handle a 1v1 situation, let alone taking on most of a team, Because lets face it, Bastion is Always Going to be The First Priority. No matter how you spin it. Aka, The first one Attacked and Focused, No matter how many healers you have. X3

Bastion should trade Lack of movement, for high damage… Is that how it currently works? Nope. It’s pretty simple…
Bastion. Is. Under. Powered.