That’s just it… is there one? And if not, why not?
Define SR rework please
Great question, I guess I don’t really even know what im asking. Im very new to OW competitive ( season 11) but I see a lot of complaining about it. More of what I want to know is why are people complaining about the current ranking system
From my experience on the forums,most of the people complain about all the smurfs in the game,“the current ranking system” is a huge thing with many things that people complain about.
Yeah true, I’ll have to do more research on the subject. Thanks for the input
Most of the people complaining about the system here are trapped in low ranks, and rather than focus on improving their own skill look for something to blame. The system has its problems - it’s pretty much impossible to make a perfect system - but it’s not as bad as some people here are saying it is.
To see how the system works, read How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 11). Ignore any complaint that indicates that the system is keeping them down. The developers have changed something every season or two. It is usually minor, but has added up to significant changes over the years.
there’s a common trend about complaints about the sr system, it’s pretty much all 2500 and lower players. everyone thinks they deserve to be higher when in reality they just don’t.
I’d like to see SR subtraction for a loss where there are one or more leavers reduced (not eliminated) just a bit
Because the current system works just fine
I actually did a 4 day experiment where I streamed a friends account and climbed him from silver to gold with my mains yet I cant climb from bronze on my own account. There is something seriously wrong with the system. I made a thread about my experiment with details. While yes, some people have ALOT of room for improvement, there are a lot of people stuck in lower ranks because of whatever the problem is with the system.
an SR/MMR reset on its own would be nice. There are people like me who have cycles of playing OW, but when I come back to play I am not master material anymore; yet I am placed at master level games to play. Not only is this a bad experience for me, but my teammates are stuck with someone who is quite rusty and is probably 2-3 tiers below where I last left off skill-wise.
The problem with that is the actual masters players and GMs would be going against bronzes, and paired with them… It wouldn’t be fun for anyone
If they rework the SR system they won’t tell us what the system basis it on. It is probably why they banned pursuit, because using it will eventually unlock the determining factors in SR gain, pbsr, and the hidden MMR system.
I do not believe you. can you link to the post you’re talking about?
SR system is simple, if you win you go up, you lose you go down like any other competitive system in the world. unfortunately for main stream games like this one everyone feels as if simply playing alot is enough to magically progress them from silver to masters.
they play a competitive game mode thinking the system will take care of them and throw them bones every single day
If you go to my profile you can see the thread. Also I linked my twitch so that you can see the facecam and mouse cam. So unless someone ripped my face off and glued it to some other dudes head it doesn’t matter if you choose to believe it or not. Youroverwatch, BTC and a few other overwatch youtubers did a video as well you can type their youtube names and find their videos as well. Of course you can try and say that you won’t believe them either but once again I say, Unless someone ripped their faces/voices off and put them on someone else you can believe whatever you want. Or you can get off your hatred of another rank high horse and accept the facecams and big overwatch youtubers videos. My stream (since I linked it already but you seem to want to ignore to fit your agenda) is kaipurge. There have been so many people that proved this long ago including smurfs that can only climb on a smurf account yet cant climb as high on their main account.
Is this the video you’re talking about? If not, tell me which YourOverwatch video.
people complain because they aren’t good enough for the next rank up but think they are. simple.
Give it time, sr will be “meaningless” as he said in that video. Its already happening at all ranks. Pretty soon overwatch will be fading into the nether just as TF2 did and the FPS games before it. The games reached its peak, and is on its slow slide down into nothingness. You can tell that its pretty dire if blizz is willing to sell the game for almost a quarter of its original price, and is giving out token or incentives to watch OWL, which nobody really cares about.
Thats not to say i want to see overwatch die, but i dont particuarlly care what rank i am or what rank xyz is or what the new strat is. Its all pretty well played out and boring to be honest, time for something new.
i think the biggest issue with overwatch is the patches and updates are rolled out so slowly, and so insanely minutely that it makes the game feel like it has never changed since day 1 since it came out. For some players thats a good thing, for alot of people it feels like a 2 year old rehashed game. OWL is making overwatch boring, and its killing the fun of the game.