Is there a limit of how many actions can be used?

So I am needing to detect when there is a host switch. I don’t see a native way to do this. The only way I see to do it is to

  1. Store the host in a variable
  2. Check if the variable is == to Host Player
  3. If Else logic

This seems expensive on actions. Is there a limit of how many actions can be executed in a single session?

I think there is one, but it’s pretty damn hard to get to it. I think it’s about 40~50 actions or 30~40 conditions, I also think it will depend on what check it is, for just a variable==Player it would maybe even go higher.

I was actually concerned about the total actions executed per session, not per rule.

Then the only limit is server overload.

Is there a way to track that or know how much can overload it?

There is values in the workshop,Server load, Server load average and Server load maximum that can help you

Pretty sure there’s no limit for this, assuming that the Workshop Inspector is client-side.