The omnic crisis was caused by GOD programs, which technically is the mystery of the origin of the revolt of Anubis, the AI ​​of the ecosystem balance:
- he decided that humans were a threat to the planet (you know, they pollute, waste natural resources, etc.) and the logic that was programmed told him that they had to be eliminated?
- did someone introduce this directive to Anubis?
- did a real will arise?
the last theory is quite dismissible, since it is Aurora who is considered truly sentient. don’t get confused by the reputation of “gods”, it’s just a technicality to indicate how much they influenced human systems.
I think that the closest thing to a “religion” is precisely Iris, which for various reasons could unite the spontaneous discovery of Aurora to the enlightenment of the Buddhist religion, of which the omnics will surely have taken inspiration by reading the texts in the abandoned temples in Nepal.
However, it should be specified that the “awakening” is seen as a transmission of consciousness that Aurora has finally consumed. This indicates that only robots that have experienced the Awakening (video genesis, part 3) are considered sentient omnics. Orisa and echo in theory are NOT omnics like Zenyatta or Ramattra, since they live on behavioral protocols (Orisa’s novel specifies empathy modules, for example that change her behavior).
Iggy (london calling comic) and Ramattra (origin video) specify that omnics are a unique, unrepeatable, non-replicable generation. They are “eternal” in their being robots but unique in the generation. This therefore implies that their “religion” is based on the union of being part of that generation, of the consciousness that Aurora has spread.
The Shambali seem to want to understand the meaning of Aurora’s life, of how she was the first to learn by herself to be “human” in free will. as i said, they are extremely similar to buddhism in the concept of “search for knowledge of existence”. but at the same time humans find it hard not to equate this thought with “it was a system bug that gave aurora this thought, and it spread it with a copy/paste of the same error file” (like a computer virus, in short).
for Aurora lore, there is nothing better than the “declassified” book, which explains well how Aurora was instrumental in the concept of Humanity unlike Anubis and his revolt. And in some ways, also how the Iris is perceived.