Is there a forum user

You would be the first. But I am flattered, so much so that I say, “screw you” to literally everyone else on the forums. Berkut is the true forum MVP. I hope you feel honored that I have bestowed this totally legitimate title to you. You earned it by liking me, remember this, always.


Haha wow, I’m blushing… :v: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you, you absolute legend.

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:wave: :rofl:
You’re also lovely, thank you!

Wow. People have good taste here. Berkut is indeed a very likable person.


Gotta go with Robotwizard. Ultimate positive influence.


Some would disagree, but I’m flattered… :wave: :blush:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen you say a mean thing to anyone, honestly.

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Well… not on the forums, I haven’t…


Good enough for me! :v: :crazy_face:

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let the torbs fight each other for dominance


You’re thinking of Aster, I’m very sure, and I’m inclined to agree! :point_up: :wink:

(Also Workshop guy is great.)

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One by the name of Brutalistica. Always makes intelligent posts.

Excuse you, that “workshop guy” is known as…


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what a handsome man, with his full beard and intermediate knowledge of lumber. Although at times insufferably opinionated, he sure does have a fine way with words and a broad taste in music.

A little bipolar though.


WHY DID I RUN OUT OF LIKES?! :raised_hand: :tired_face:

I just didn’t think I’d spell his name correctly, so I didn’t want to risk it…

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Jeff Kaplan He don’t reply to us all personally, but he sounds positive, friendly, and understanding of who cheaters are when they come on to the forums and complain they got banned for cheating.

Guy has my endorsement for that.

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You ran out, too!? Lawd, between you and DankBaby, I’d be the first one to run out of bullets in a fight because I’d be giving all of mine to you two! Here, you can have one of my likes. Make it count!

Thank you, oh powerful Torbjorn!

Take the Berkut Seal of Approval: :+1: :rofl: