MoreHeroes is my current favourite, so I hope he sees this…
Taiga, HanaSolo, WhatTheDuck, VenusArmani, ChibiFox, Natorian, HeavyGorilla, Drowsckab and Kierkegaard (who knows if I even spelt that right?) are also good people. (Also DoraExplora deserves big hugs )
Oh, and he’s a controversial figure at the best of times, but I will always respect AdderallBoy for defending me when a certain “positive” forum user decided to unmask herself and give me a hard time.
I’ve just been having a great time on the forums recently, it’s nice!
What is happening? But I feel loved - Each time I’ve seen you around here you always have something good to say. I literally can’t think of one time I’ve read something from you and didn’t think it was really well said…
JellyandJam (he’s actually a friend of mine TeeHee), Berkut, Taiga, Crepsly, HanaSolo, Eolynn (who I don’t think is active on here anymore, but she’s another friend of mine that frequented the Overmoji thread), PyroPanda (another friend, lel), Serenicus, and Titanium.
I realise I look like a person milking for upvotes on Reddit or something, but it would feel wrong if I didn’t acknowledge people who say something nice about me, so thank you You’re very kind.
Silence because they put me on the special people list!
also HanaSolo, person with Törb pfp who’s name escapes me, IceCell (may he rest in piece), Cringe-Baby (you know who you are), person with Mei pfp, person with Sombra pfp and another few people who’s names I forget!
Basically anyone who has interacted with me within the past 24 hours!
And Mausamune
And of course Sun!
And WidowMeiker
And also Tornado and Moira
And also Berkut
And ChibiFox and Taiga
And WhatTheDuck
And anyone with “pants” in their name!
And a few other people with Symmetra pfp’s
And BlueFalcon
And iDerpyCake
And Doomfish
And BabyGrill
And BootLoxes, I spoke to them a bit on my old account.
And someone with a short name that I forgot but I think they have a Sombra pfp
And Serencius
And MoreHeroes
And that guy with a Reaper pfp whos name starts with an ‘A’
Also Jeff of course
And the Workshop person
(I need to stop editing this comment, I worry that I’ve left anyone out so basically if I’ve ever spoken to you you’re on my list!)
(Since saying I need to stop I’ve edited this another five times so now I’m actually stopping! Sorry if I forgot your name, I still value you as a person!)
There are a lot of people I could mention, but I’m going to give a shout out to Ryan. We may not always have the same opinions about Overwatch, but if IRL stuff is discussed they are always very supportive.