Is the Sombra rework hitting live?

Last time I played the game was around the time of the April Fools’ update. I absolutely loved the “stealth changes”, but lamented that all she got out of it in the next patch was faster movement speed while stealthed. I had proposed some changes to make her feel less helpless to play against and less team-dependent, but they never caught on. Jeff left, friends stopped playing, a bunch of stuff hit the fan, and NGL, it’s been a rough 5 months.

I do get the temptation to play again pretty often though… is there word on whether Sombra’s rework is coming to live or is it not gonna drop until OW 2?

It’s for OW2… sorry to disappoint


Is that confirmed anywhere I mean? It just seems kinda weird that they’re still putting out so many other changes that people can easily adjust to, but no one would be able to adjust to a reworked Sombra until OW2…

I mean if it’s revealed, I could see them doing Bastion and Sombra changes sooner.

Since they are kinda independent from a lot of balance issues

If they move up the bar for Sombra shouldering a more direct damage role, making the 5v5 changes live in 6v6 may end up breaking the balance as much as the Summer of Gengu or that month of Ironclad Bastion Literally Can’t Die.

Bastion may or may not be broken depending on what they did to him, but it’s hard to predict what they’re going to do with him besides the very high chance that the changes bury him deeper in the dumpster.

No, but we will most likely see it this week.

We were told “no more reworks before OW2” a long time ago.

I don’t think their stance will change on this either. Sombra is a necessary evil in the live game to keep high mobility heroes like Ball and Doomfist in check.

If they removed her current hack for the sake of “new content”, it would do more harm than good. It’s better to wait for OW2 when the loss of hack will be compensated for other changes across the board.

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Just to clarify we will learn what changes the Overwatch development team has in plan for Sombra (along with Bastion) during the Watchpoint preshow during the Overwatch League Grand Finals this Saturday the 25th. We will also get to see some of the heroes in action in the new 5v5 format during an exhibition match played by pro players during the half-time of the Overwatch League Grand Finals.

No reworks that have been mentioned or will be mentioned will be playable by the public until Overwatch 2 itself is released.


It’s getting live along with OW2’s PvP changes. The Devs are using OW1 as a playground to try out smaller balancing changes. Once we are getting a beta sometime in the future, we will be able to try out all of the reworks + changes

Thanks for this! I’ve been out of the loop for a bit.

Oh I am so looking forward to it.

This is meant for OW2.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Welp, back to the hiatus cave I go then.